
Lawmaker accuses finance Minister of harassment

By Tereza Jeremiah Chuei

A State MP who is also the Chairperson of Peace and Security in Western Equatoria State assembly, Abdallah Juma has accused the State Finance Minister, William Adriano Baiki of harassment.

William however denied the claims saying there was nothing as such.

He cited that the purported incident happened between Juma and the security and he wasn’t involved.

“There was nothing like harassment that had happened, it was just protocol being observed by the security, I wasn’t involved directly however, this happened outside the VIP room where I was waiting for the flight and when the flight arrived, I proceeded with my journey to Juba,” William said.

Speaking to No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, Juma claimed that the incident wasn’t for the first time that the Minster has harassed him, recalling that a month ago, he had also sent people to his house who almost killed him.

“On 28 June 2022, people stormed into my house and I was almost killed and the first suspect was the Finance Minister himself, because when he was summoned to parliament I was among the MPs, who called for his summon” Juma alleged.

“Yesterday I was surprised to get someone who harassed me and I thought this was an airport security but just to find out that the person who harassed me was a special body guard of the Minister of Finance” he said.

Juma revealed that after he was threatened by the body guard, he went to the police station and opened a case against William.

“I have opened a case and he was supposed to be jailed but… (he has left for Juba).

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