By William Madouk Garang
The governor of Central Equatoria State, Emmanuel Adil Anthony said ratification of roadmap dispelled the fears that the country will slide into crisis if transitional period elapses without extension.
Speaking during the 6th Governors’ Forum, Adil stated that consensus built by parties to agreement on the roadmap splendidly explains that confidence exists among the partners to the revitalized peace agreement.
“Your Excellency, the roadmap has un-laid all fears that the country will slide into crisis when interim period elopes nonetheless with judicial decision you have taken has dispelled all unfolded fears and it restores the hope of our people on the peace process,” Adil said.
“It also underscores the fact that if given an opportunity South Sudanese are capable of solving their internal problem without necessarily applying outside pressure and let us pray for substance and continuation of this patriotic spirit,” he continued.
He cited that the Governors’ Forum provides golden opportunity to all governors and chief administrators to exchange and share experience of notable peace, dialogue, reconciliations and development in the country.
Adil said that as governors they would work relentlessly and engage various communities in dialogue and peace building for restoration of sustainable peace that will pave way for returning of refugees and IDPs.
“To accomplish this forum should be duty bound to chart another roadmap to ensure that all the stakeholders play their roles for successful implementation of whatever decision that will be reached at the end of this forum,” he said.
According to him, this includes committing resources which the states and administrative areas desperately need to resolve many challenges for realization of lasting peace and stability.
This came a day after the Transitional National Legislative Assembly passed the much-awaited government legitimacy by endorsing the roadmap for extending lifespan of the transitional period till February 22nd of November 2025.
Chairperson of Information Committee in the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA), John Agany Deng stated that the House passed revised constitution to conform with roadmap in extending the transitional period for two years.
“So, the government of national unity at all levels – starting from national to state government with all administrative areas with all legislative powers are hereby been extended for another 24 months,” he said.