
Medical officer Sex scandal exposed

By Adia Jildo

A whistle blower has exposed a sex tape of a medical doctor who has been sexually exploiting staff, patients and other minors.

The medical doctor (name withheld) who had been working in a government hospital was said to have been committing the act since 2015 to date when the tape was leaked.

“A case of sexual exploitation and abuse of individuals have been reported. He committed the act way back in 2015 when he was bringing young girls in the hospital.

“Video evidence showed he was raping young girls and even giving the women money”.

The perpetrator had been taking videos of his act as he harassed, raped and exploited the sexual preys.

The activist and a whistle blower said the task was put on them to speak for the voiceless as they campaign for the rights of women and girls in the country.

According to the leaked video tapes, about 9 women and girls fell victims of the man’s dubious acts.

So far, the perpetrator has been arrested and undergoing investigation on the case.

He said the act of rape, sexual exploitation has been in the case yet rarely reported.

According to the activist, the perpetrator has testified that the act is true and identified the victims by name.

He called on the community to report cases of sexual violence and take responsibility for the future and lives of people to be saved.

Aya Benjamin, Minister of Gender Child and Social Welfare condemned the act, saying the law will take its course on the perpetrator.

“We encourage people to report cases. This thing happened long time ago but it’s never too late so that we can take up our responsibility” she urged.

Aya called on the stakeholders to protect women and girls from Sexual Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) by taking their responsibility to help the community fight SGBV.

“It’s our mandate to give psychosocial support where they need it” she called.

According to the police spokesperson Major General Daniel Justin Boula, the case has not yet reached their desk when contacted to confirm the incident.

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