By William Madouk Garang
The Acting Secretary General of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) party has announced that his party has registered over four million and half (4.5) members across the country.
Speaking during the SPLM National Liberation Council conference on Friday, Peter Lam Both stated that SPLM Renaissance initiative for political mobilization which was launched last year in all the ten states and the three administrative areas has yielded fruits.
“Comrade Chairman, you may recall that early this year we took an initiative known as the SPLM Renaissance which made it possible for us to reorganize the party from grassroots all the way to the national levels” Lam said.
Lam further said more than 400 SPLM members from the National Liberation Council were sent to states and administrative areas in which they managed to return the party to it glorious days.
“We returned the party to the structure of 2008 by returning and reinstating former holders of such offices and replaced those who defected, deceased or incapacitated from various diseases,” the SPLM S-G noted.
“Today it’s my honor to report that we have registered over 4.5 million of the SPLM members across the country,” he announced.
“You can find a detail table showing membership per state, administrative areas, counties, Payam, Bomas across the country in your packages there,” he continued.
SPLM Acting secretary general also appreciated the SPLM chairpersons at states and administrative areas levels, citing that without their effort the organization of the party would not have been possible.
“Chairman and members of NLC, I want to take this opportunity to appreciate and thank our [SPLM] chairpersons in the states and administrative areas – without their presence this type of organization could not have been possible” he said.
“It’s therefore my honour to report to NLC that the unity within our party is stronger today than it was yesterday” said Peter Lam.
He echoed that Arusha agreement has been fulfilled, as some splinter group leaders like that led by Vice President for Infrastructure, Taban Deng, and Former Detainees had rejoined.