
City Council embarks on Juba’s beautification ahead of Pope’s visit

By William Madouk Garang

The Juba City Council has started petrifying buildings and roads in South Sudan’s capital Juba in preparation for the Pope Francis’ visit.

The national ministry of Roads & Bridges, together with Juba City Council has begun tarmacking the roads coming from Kololo junction to the Vatican Embassy in Tongping.

Speaking to the media during the inspection of the ongoing roads construction, the Mayor of Juba City, Micheal Lado Allah-Jabu vowed to work day and night to ensure completion of the work within five working-days.

“We will work hard to continue renovating all roads within the city of Juba and also implement maintenances, cleaning and beautifying all the city roads,” Allah-Jabu said.

The Mayor likewise called on Juba residents to start cleaning their surrounding areas and their hearts before Pope Francis’ apostolic trip to the country.

“I appeal to the people of Juba to clean their surrounding areas, their homes and their hearts to welcome the blessings from the three church leaders for the first time in South Sudan,” Allah-Jabu said.

The City council authorities also advised the citizens from throwing garbage randomly in the main or middle of roads and to avoid driving their cars during the three day visit.

According to a statement issued by the City Council, the African Resource Corporation Company (ARC) has been contracted to build and renovate the roads.

Last week, the ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation informed diplomatic and consular missions accredited to South Sudan to warm up for welcoming of Pope Francis that will be on February 3rd to 5th, 2023.

Pope Francis’s apostolic journey to Africa will include two stops in the DRC – in the Capital, Kinshasa and the city Goma then later to Juba.

The papal visit to Africa was expected to be in July 5, 2022 but was pushed to February 2023 due to a ligament strain in his right knee that confined him to a wheelchair.

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