
Nyandeng blames resource underutilization on disunity

By Bida Elly David

South Sudan’s Vice President for Gender and Youth Cluster, H.E. Rebecca Nyandeng, has blamed the lack of proper use of South Sudan’s huge wealth on disunity in the country.

Over the weekend, Nyandeng said that South Sudan is blessed with enough resources but the lack of peace and harmony among the citizens hinder every progress.

She said this during an inauguration dubbed as ‘the breaking stone for the construction of Bor highway,’ annexing other states last Saturday.

 “South Sudan has multiple resources that other countries lacked. But unity to utilize the resources amicably has broken things apart” she stated while speaking during the occasion,

She said that good infrastructure without unity and team work would never contribute to any progress.

“South Sudan is being called the poorest of the poorest but we have all the resources that other nations do not have. What only we lack is the unity among us” she reiterated.

She appreciated President Salva Kiir for having played a bigger role in prioritizing construction of roads as one of the major strategies in his plan.

Rebecca commended President Kiir for connecting Juba-Terekeka-road up to Raja – saying that the initiative would enable people to easily access services of various kinds, especially the commercial sector to improve the economy.

Furthermore, she called on the mass in Bor to be appreciative towards the launch of the infrastructure, and work tirelessly towards embracing peace by putting differences to an end.

“You people of Bor are not day dreaming. Your dreams are reality and people will not say you are not day dreaming. You people have to notice that God is giving you something and you have not yet seen it,” she said.

She added that improvement of the roads in Jonglei State especially Bor would ease services to the citizens as well as enable communities to meet without difficulties.

“Some of the communities do not get services during the rainy season. With this, the citizens will be able to use the road to transport their goods to the market. The road will improve community engagement since some of the communities used not to meet before” she explained.

She called on the Bor community and Jonglei at large to collaborate in order to improve the declining relationship and the broken economy.

Rebecca also urged the citizens to seriously embark on agriculture in order to fight food insecurity across the State.

“Goods and services should move. At the same time, agricultural production should start because you are assured of the roads where your proceeds will reach the market quickly. So, this road is very important,” she concluded.

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