
At least 4,211 sit CPE exams in Lakes State

By Yang Ater Yang

 At least four thousand, two hundred and eleven (4,211) primary eight candidates from 126 schools in Lakes State have started sitting their Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) exams yesterday in 25 Centers across the State.

The acting governor of Lakes State, Poth Madit Dut on Monday morning officiated the commencement of the Primary Eight national exams in the State capital Rumbek.

“I have come to officially launch primary eight examination (P.8) today in Lakes State to candidates as it is part of orientation. Examination is not a fight. You are not going to fight. But you are just going for a self-evaluation. You need to take it easy,” he addressed the candidates before the kickoff of the papers.

Governor Madit said the candidates shouldn’t take the invigilators and teachers as their enemies but people who are going to help them.

“Write your exams well. So, be comfortable with them. They are just your guidance and they are not coming to fight you. You need to be relaxed and this is where you can pass well,” he said.

The governor discouraged cheating in the exams saying it is not good for you and there is no future in it.

“In fact, when you cheat, you don’t get knowledge, but you only get a paper and if you don’t have a knowledge. You don’t have a progress in life. You get no job and nothing will be good for you. You read to get knowledge,” he advised the candidates.

Meanwhile, the minister of education in Lakes State, Nelson Makoi Makur urged the P.8 candidates to read hard with commitment.

“Today is an important day to encourage you as students sitting for primary eight examinations. What you have been doing for the last eight (8) years in primary school has come to an end today and this is not the end of your examination. But we are here to close the gap or chapter and then you proceed to secondary School and I would encourage you to take this examination as simple examination like any other you have been doing before,” he said.

“This examination is not hard but it will be hard if you didn’t study but if you study the examination will be simple,” he continued.

“I would encourage you to take these papers as simple as you continue to pursue your education. So, that you can attain your brighter future,” he encouraged the candidates.

Minister Makoi said the ministry of General Education in Lakes State and the national ministry of General Education and Instructions have been working hard to make sure that the examination malpractices end completely.

He said the error of examination malpractice has ended completely adding that those who are thinking of going to cheat examination are deceiving themselves.

“We are training you as the future generations with strong knowledge, skills, and innovations and not a knowledge that you steal, but a knowledge that you get through hard study, reading, commitment and hard work,” he said.

The State education minister stated that they want to deliver a type of education to children that will make them become strong leaders, doctors, mothers and engineers with strong foundation not through a cheaper foundation.

He urges candidates to tell their colleagues coming behind that examination has become a national duty and they are being prepared so that they take a good responsibility of the nation with better skills and not weak skills.

He said it is good to attain 50% pass which is solid instead of 90 % which is empty.

Catherine Achol, a primary eight (P.8) candidate in Rumbek Girls primary school said she is ready to write her examination with hope to pass.

“Yes, we are ready to pass this examination. We are ready because we have been reading,” she said. “I am urging my colleagues sitting with me to read carefully to pass this examination very well.”

Moses Kaman Makoi, another candidate in Sunrise Primary School expressed confidence that him and his other committed colleagues will pass this examination.

“There is nothing but only to read and revise the notes and I wish all my colleagues in Lakes State to pass,” he said.

The director of examination in Lakes State, Abud Athian said that a total of four thousand, two hundred and eleven (4,211) primary eight (P.8) pupils, including, one thousand, two hundred and twenty-nine (1,229) females are sitting for their primary eight final exams in 25 centers across Lakes State.

“Today is a historical day for the pupils sitting for primary school examination and you will not forget about it in your life. You will remember the day that you sat your exams in this center,” he told the pupils.

He said the ministry of General Education has deployed a number of invigilators to supervise and monitor the examination conduct in Lakes State.

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