
Adil cautions Terekeka citizens against violence

By Bida Elly David

The governor of Central Equatoria State on Monday warned the citizens of Terekeka County against fanning conflict and violence urging them to embrace peace as a tool for unity.

This call came following his peace trip to Terekeka as an initiative to proclaim the message of unity and forgiveness being tools that would define the right of tranquility to the citizens.

Speaking to the community of Muni and Tombek payams, Governor Adil said that there is no benefit in conflict rather than planting the tendency of division, killing and jeopardizing the economic progress of the people.

He cautioned the community against giving attention to political leaders who majorly focus on instigating violence among them noting that they should turn deaf ears on such people and work towards developing the County.

“I am urging you the People of Terekeka County to refrain from violence and embrace peace and unity at all times by shunning leaders whose main agenda is to preach divisive politics and hatred,” he echoed.

The Governor emphasized that Terekeka County will only continue on the development trajectory if the Mundari sons and daughters unite their ranks and work collaboratively in consolidating the Government’s sustained efforts on sustainable peace and development.

Adil also carried an inspection tour to some of the social facilities in the area like schools and hospitals and pledged his government’s commitment towards restoring trust and confidence through rehabilitation of some of the essential social services infrastructures.

On his part, the area member of Parliament, Hon. David Achek Lado commended Adil’s timely visit to the area and rallied his people to stand behind the current leadership in realization of all their aspirations.

The Commissioner of Terekeka County, Warnyank Luko Buyu briefed the State authority on the general security situation as relatively calm and expressed optimism on the Governor’s trip, noting that it will greatly transform the mentality of the people as well as helps to address some of the persistent issues that impede the community.

He added that the community of Terekeka had been facing numerous challenges especially inter-communal conflict on cattle-related issues being the main trigger of violence in the County.

The communities in Terkeka however appreciated Governor Adil for his peace trip and demonstrated their commitment towards working for peace.

They vowed to end intercommunal violence over livestock matters and focus on promoting socio-economic activities in the County.

Accompanying the Governor were; State Advisors, Ministers, lawmakers, heads of independent commissions, security Chiefs and other government officials.

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