
Intrepid South Sudan revives dreams of dropout school-girl

By Deng David Panchol

Intrepid South Sudan (ISS), a Non-Governmental Organization is resurrecting the dreams of a senior three female student who dropped out of class this year due to lack of fees but ISS said it will sponsor the school girl to continue with her academic studies.

Student Abiong Ayuen Ajak dropped out of school in senior three this year because her family was unable to pay her school fees.

The 18-year-old girl told No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper Monday that her dream of becoming an accountant was sinking due to lack of financial support.

Bol Deng Bol, the Executive Director of Intrepid South Sudan, who is also the Chairperson of Jonglei Civil Society Network said the organization is willing to offer financial assistance to Abiong to continue with her studies.

“When we learned about Abiong’s story as a girl willing to study and achieve her dream of becoming an accountant, we come in to support her to continue with her studies. We also contacted her family especially the uncle and he was positive,” Bol said.

“So, we will meet Abiong’s parent (paternal uncle) on Thursday to discuss it. We want to know if the family will accept their daughter to still continue with her studies. We also want to discuss which school Abiong would be admitted to and what are the requirements needed for her studies,” he added.

Bol promised that ISS will sponsor Abiong’s studies up to the university level to pursue her bachelor in accounting.

“If she is done with her senior four, then we will renew the program to let her go to university. So, for the university is another program that we will work on as long as Abiong wants to further her studies up to university level,” Bol continued.

He advised parents to value girl child education and as well avoid favoring boy-child in terms of education and other privileges.

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