
Parliament sharpens teeth to resume enactment of bills

By Bida Elly David

The chairperson of the information committee at the Revitalized National Legislative Assembly said that the august house is in full swing to deliberate on available pending bills after return from recess, warning parliamentarians against individual hitches and focus on national matters.

Speaking to No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper yesterday, John Agany the chairperson of the committee said that the hope of the parliament is to ensure speedy implementation of the roadmap to rescue the Country from conflict and political saga.

He said that deliberations of any pending bill by the parliament would not await any external excuse as long as it is forwarded by the concerned body after amendment for comprehensive debate.

“There is no time limit and in fact if the bills are ready and are on our side, immediately the assembly after the opening will start deliberating on them,” he said.

John added that the national legislature would only deliberate on accurate submitted bills based on the fact that they are on the nature of the assembly as translated in the agreement.

“If the national legislative assembly is back from recess, deliberations on the bills will be done based on the nature of the legislation,” John added.

He further said that the administration of the transitional national legislative assembly is warning parliamentarians against any misconduct in the august house stating that they should be guided by the conduct of business generated on national matters.

John echoed this statement following the recent accusation of the Rt. honorable speaker of the R-TNLA Jemma Nunu Kumba by Hon Juol Nhomngek who is currently under investigation of his claims on the lost money.

He said that the investigation of the speaker is still on the run until it is completed then the findings will determine whether he is proven guilty or not.

“We are lawmakers in the first place and governed by the conduct of business and any member of parliament who is against the law must be dealt with the same law. My final concern will be out until investigation is done since the Honorable member who accused the speaker is under investigation,” he said.

However, Agany said that parliamentarians should use the august house for putting national matters in place and forget destroying fellow individuals on baseless facts reiterating that it will trigger passive name if the assembly battle among themselves.

John echoed that as the legislators shall resume after the recess period all parliamentarians deserve to claim duties with good spirits and focus on legitimizing the pending bills to rescue the young nation from tragedies.

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