By Bida Elly David
The Presidency has given final directives to the National Transitional Committee (NTC) and the Joint Defense Board (JDB) to immediately start expediting completion of phase one of chapter two security arrangements and organization of the second echelon of the command structures to enable deployment of phase one forces and graduation of phase two.
This news development came during the 28th meeting of the Revitalized Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission held in Juba yesterday.
Reading the report on behalf of the R-TGoNU, Michael Makuei Lueth the minister of information and the government’s spokesperson said that completion for the organization of the second batch command structures will determine the future and the end point of the security arrangement since the implementation of the provision has been too slow in nature.
“The presidency has directed the national transitional committee and the joint defense board (to) expedite the completion of phase one of chapter two on security arrangements. Both the NTC and the JDB are also directed to complete the organization of the second echelon of the command structures of all the security sectors so that the forces are graduated and other organized forces join their units where deployment will now take place,” he said.
Makuei further stated that compromise will not be given to the opposition or other forces from other units to keep arms with them while preparing to report to cantonment sites.
He said that after completion of the second echelon command structures, phase two cantonment of the armed opposition and government forces will commence.
“During phase one cantonment of the opposition, we compromised on the issue of forces handing over their weapons in order to be accepted,” Makuei cited.
In relation to the swapping of the ministry of defense and veteran affairs between R-TGoNU and the SPLA-IO, Makuei said that discussions are under way and will be resolved as soon as possible.
Moreover, R-TGoNU in the report concerning looting of World Food Program humanitarian assistance supplies regretted the incident and maintained their position discouraging the attacks vowing to investigate the occurrences.
The government in their report further stated that the current living conditions of people have been one of the factors that made the act to occur and the R-TGoNU undertakes to bring the culprits to books.
In a separate development, the R-TGoNU also noted in their report that reconstitution of the constitutional review commission is in a great move and upon completion the other organs will follow.
“Representatives of parties to the agreement in collaboration with the ministry of justice are reconstituting the National Constitutional Review Commission (NCRC). Thereafter, the constitutional development committee and other various organs related to the constitutional making process will immediately be established and operationalized,” the report stated.
The Government spokesperson said the high-level standing committee is reconstituting the political party council to enable parties start registering and commence their political campaigns in preparation for general elections.
“We believe that the permanent constitution of the republic of South Sudan can be delivered in a shorter time because all the documents that are to inform the process are readily available,” he noted.
Makuei added that the high-level standing committee for the agreement is going to initiate a conference meant to enrich the draft bill for the establishment of a commission for truth, healing and reconciliation under chapter five of the agreement during the second week of April 2023.
“The conference will be a national event that will attract individuals from countries that have gone through challenges to South Sudan,” he said.