
Governor Futuyo instills hope for peace and development

By Alex Digi 

The Governor of Western Equatoria State Gen. Alfred Futuyo Karaba last week toured three counties of Tambura, Nagero, and Ezo Payams spreading messages of Peace to the community.

Speaking during one of his public rallies in Tambura, Governor Futuyo urged the citizens to live in peaceful coexistence among themselves.

He said, if there is genuine peace, more development will exist, adding people should not allow themselves to be misled by politicians and army Generals.

“You people should distant yourselves from violence, it cannot help, because when there is conflict there is no development, last time you were fighting for leadership, now I brought Azande King, there is Balanda Chief, what are you going to fight for again?” Futuyo questioned the two communities.

The governor assured the communities of his willingness to send the forces to protect the citizens from any group which will cause insecurity in their area.

Meanwhile in Nagero, Governor Futuyo similarly called on the citizens to maintain peace in the area.

He appreciated the people of Nagero for not being involved in the conflict in Tambura, while promising clean water to the people of Nagero. Governor Futuyo also announced the creation of two Payams in the County.

“I wanted to appreciate the people of Nagero County, you are peaceful people, when there was conflict in Tambura, you didn’t allow it here, the Balanda and Azande of Nagero were living peacefully, but for your request and based on the distance and population of this place, I have approved for you two Payams, Balanda Payam and Zomoi Payam,” Futuyo announced to his audience.

He further called on the community to embark on agriculture to ensure there is enough food in the area.

The governor also promised to build secondary school in Nagero County.

While in Ezo and South Yubu, Governor Futuyo warned the citizens of involving themselves into external issues, saying there are youth who were reported to have crossed to the neighboring Central Africa Republic and caused insecurity.

“Here in Ezo there are many people who are involved in criminality, in our security report, most of the people causing insecurity are from Ezo, I want to advice you as an elder not a politician, try to refrain from such activities,” he advised.

“We also have report that, some youth here went to Bambuti to fight, now the problem you are looking for is going to bring suffering to your own children, that is why I need you to talk to those boys to come back home,” he appealed.

During the Governor’s peace tour, the major challenges raised by the communities included, lack of clean water; no health services; poor education system and road infrastructures to mention but a few.

The communities also complained of insecurity along their road connectivity.

For the last two years, there has been inter-communal conflicts between Azande and Balanda in greater Tambura which claimed the lives of hundreds and thousands displaced and many properties destroyed, of which the Governor claimed is what hindered the development in the Western part of the state.

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