By Emelda Siama John Lopula
Tens of thousands of Christian faithful in Juba especially Catholics commemorated the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, by imitating the way of the cross. Many Christians yesterday emulated “the way of cross”, along the street of Juba.
Speaking to the congregations in Holy Rosary Parish yesterday Mgrs. Lonut Paul said, Good Friday is the day on which Catholics commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Catholics are joined by almost all other Christians in solemn commemoration on this day; it is also a legal holiday around greatly of the world.
“As we based our journey with Jesus in the street of our city started from Vatican Embassy up to the church showing the people around us in whom we believe that Jesus Christ died for us, now we are here looking at the cross Jesus was taken from us he is not on the cross anymore today and tomorrow is the time of mourning” he said
“Today we accompanied Jesus from the street of Juba, and Jesus is accompanied us in every single day of the year and single day of our life, he is with us in our pain, sorrows, and in our suffering he does not abundance us, he is with us today and tomorrow and we have the courage to pick up our cross and follow Jesus every day we died with him we rose also with him,” he continued.
Paul said Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, the day on which Christians annually observe the commemoration of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. He love us because love never abundance and Good Friday was observed as a day of sorrow, penance, and fasting, a characteristic that finds expression in the (“Sorrowful Friday”),
“As Jesus loves us, we should love one another more and more and billions of people today all over the world respect Jesus because of his death for us, so that we may rise with him for the new life, and this Easter time, it’s a time of blessing and renewing of our faith” he lamented.
According to the gospels, Jesus was betrayed by Judas on the night of the Last Supper, commemorated on Holy Thursday. The morning following Christ’s arrest, he was brought before Anna’s, a powerful Jewish cleric. Anna’s condemned Jesus for blasphemy for refusing to repudiate Anna’s’ words that He was the Son of God. From there, Jesus was sent to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of the province.
Pilate questioned Jesus but found no reason to condemn Him. Instead, he suggested Jewish leaders deal with Jesus according to the own law. But under Roman law, they could not execute Jesus, so they appealed to Pilate to issue the order to kill Jesus.
Pilate appealed to King Herod, who found no guilt in Jesus and sent him back to Pilate once again. Pilate declared Jesus to be innocent, and washed his hands to show that he wanted nothing to do with Jesus, but the crowds were enraged. To prevent a riot and to protect his station, Pilate reluctantly agreed to execute Jesus and sentenced him to crucifixion. Jesus was convicted of proclaiming himself to be the King of the Jews.
Meanwhile Holy Thursday is the commemoration of the Last Supper of Jesus Christ, when he established the sacrament of Holy Communion prior to his arrest and crucifixion. It also commemorates His institution of the priesthood. The holy day falls on the Thursday before Easter and is part of Holy Week. Jesus celebrated the dinner as a Passover feast. Christ would fulfill His role as the Christian victim of the Passover for all to be saved by His final sacrifice. The Last Supper was the final meal Jesus shared with his Disciples in Jerusalem. During the meal, Jesus predicts his betrayal. He also establishes the special priesthood for his disciples, which is distinct from the “priesthood of all believers.” Christ washed the feet of his Disciples, who would become the first priests.