By William Madouk
Air transportation fees are expected to increase as the South Sudan Civil Aviation Authority (SSCAA) start implementing a new security fee code, charging all domestic and international flights with $60 upon departing and landing.
This comes after a joint meeting between Civil Aviation and all international airlines last month to agree on a proposed increment of the Security fees (N3) from $25 to $60 dollars to all planes.
In a statement dated February 22, 2023, the Civil Aviation announced to all airlines that security fee for incoming and outgoing passengers will jump from $25 to $60, effective from April 1st.
“The South Sudan Civil Aviation would like to inform you that the security fee code (N3) will increase from $25 incoming/outgoing to $60 incoming and outgoing,” said Captain Subek John, CEO of the aviation.
The charge will apply to all incoming and outgoing passenger’s flights to the Republic of South Sudan. This move will now make airlines increase the passenger air tickets.
“…SSCAA ordered Kenya Airways to fill and request through IATA’S TICKET Tax Box Service (TIBS) to increase the tax code N3 to embled/levy of USD 60 to be applied to each arriving and USD 60 to each departing passenger’s air ticket,” he continued.
The aviation authority also called on airlines to comply with the directives, that would improve the country’s gateway.
“Your cooperation and compliance with the above directives will significantly impact he development of our gateway to the republic of South Sudan,” John noted.
Mr. John further urged the airways to start implementing the amended fee, and warn them of penalties should they fail to obey.
“We look forward to your timely support in obtaining the amended new fee code to prevent the commencement of sanctions on the airlines operating in South Sudan,” he warned
In 2021, the Civil Aviation also increased the navigational service fees, this came after an agreement reached by government and private company to supervise and manage air traffic at Juba International Airport (JIA).
Aviation authority earlier said “The proposal is not just from our head they are in guidelines within the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requirements, there is a formula used to calculate this increment,”
In March 2021, South Sudan government signed a deal with airspace management company-Navpass, to set up ground infrastructure that will enhance air traffic and earn more revenue from navigation service.
The contract is to enable the government secure more revenues which it had previously not been able, before using Navpass’s automated technology.
When the skies are fully reclaimed it’s expected to generate tens of millions of dollars each year.
Navpass is an international airspace management specialist company which is currently operating in various African countries to implement ICAO and International Transport Association IATA guidelines to improve airspace.