
Over 600 children to attend indoor classes in Yambio

By Ephraim Modi Duku Sokiri

Have you ever learned under the trees? Well, about six hundred children in Yambio county of Western Equatoria (WES) are rescued from studying under trees, to start learning in classrooms.

Nairiwo Rimenze Primary School previously taught its two hundred and forty four pupils under a two thatched classrooms and the Diatoro Primary School where the children were taught outside under Mango trees are now moving to two classrooms each complete with benches, desks and blackboards, courtesy of Africa Trade Insurance Agency (ATI).

The construction of the buildings was a support from ATI to the Africa Education Trust (AET) with United States Dollars of 50,000 to enhance inclusive and equitable quality education in areas of vulnerable and marginalized children by financing the two projects.

Yambio County Education Director Mr. Joseph Sume echoed that lessons were distracted routinely by periodic weather like heavy rains that led to cancellation of lessons in those schools studying in the open under trees.

“Diatoro primary school was really struggling before this valuation support was given. The lessons were frequently disrupted by seasonal, heavy rain would mean classes were canceled and the school closed because of lack of shelter,” he said.

“I am happy to announce that following construction of the two classrooms, attendance at both Diatoro and Nairiwo primary schools has increased with more parents enrolling their children, especially in primary one and two.” 

“At the state of this project, we wondered if the children would ever have the opportunity to study in classrooms and follow a regular curriculum without disruption from seasonal change. As of today, with generous help form ATI, we are proud to see these classrooms complete with benches, desks and blackboards, alive with laughter and leaning.”

However, the head teacher of Diatoro Primary School Mr. Hezekiah has hinted that previously, the children deserted lessons because of learning under rain and some circumstances that do not favour them.

“Before the school was built, children often stayed at home because they didn’t like learning outside, especially in the rain. Now, we see so many children every day,” said Mr. Hezekiah.

He applauded ATI and AET for the support they have offered in serving the future of Yambio and the country as a whole.

“I want to thank ATI and AET, street child for their generous donation and for helping construct the new classrooms. The attendance levels which were often low in Diatoro are on the up because of this exciting project. I am so proud now to introduce myself as the principal of Diatoro Primary School,” he expressed.

AET, formally a part of international children and communities, engaging in construction of the structures of the school, ensuring as many children as possible to enroll. AET/Street Child provided orientation for teachers and revitalized the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) within the schools to retention and sustainability.

AET reiterated its focus on education saying it shall strive to support the people of South Sudan as there are many reasons children don’t attend school. It’s often for boys that they needed to work, as for the girls; it can be anything from poverty, children marriage or cultural religious views.

Beginning this year, president Salva Kiir already guaranteed all children, a free and compulsory primary and secondary education. Extending free education to include secondary schooling will offer millions of children life-long benefits.

More than 2.8 million children, or over 70 per cent, are out of school in South Sudan, putting at risk their futures and future of the country. Some of the out-of-school children are living in pastoral communities, moving with their cattle and are not able to attend regular classes.

The largest group of out-of-school children in South Sudan is girls. Poverty, child marriage and cultural and religious views all hinder girls’ education.

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