
Aweil South County appeals for supply of Malaria drugs

By Hou Akot Hou

The Aweil South County Health Director Joseph Giir Ngor has called on health partners to beep up drugs supplies to the Boma Health Workers (BHWs) in his county.

His request comes following a training of 286 Boma Health Workers from Aweil South and Center counties on how to combat diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhea and malaria.

The training of the BHWs was done this week in Aweil Town.

“These people go deep in the households. They do screening of children with malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia diseases. The BHWs also make referrals of the complicated cases. So, their work is instrumental at the grassroots indeed.”

Ngor said that there are no malaria drugs in his county, adding the Global Fund needs to step in to help on this matter.

Giir said there are a lot of challenges as the supplies are running out yet the demand might increase as rainy season approaches.

In response for the intervention, the Director General in ministry of health Peter Dut Thiep acknowledged the existence of challenges but said they are doing all they could to support the BHWs.

“The partners’ responses take three months. What we have done is that we have given them little supplies for three months and we have wait for the partners to help to bring the drugs. Our drugs come quarterly,” he said.

The supplies of drugs are being handled by an International Organization known as Malaria Consortium and other partners in Aweil South and Aweil Center counties that are working on health aspects.

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