
Tambura MPs nullifies allegation of rebellion

By staff writer

Members of parliament representing the Greater Tambura at the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) who hails from the Balanda community have reputed the allegation of brewing rebellion against the government of South Sudan in the areas.

The MPs of greater Tambura of Western Equatoria reacted to a statement issued on 26th April by some youth of their neighbouring community regarding some alleged assertion against national government.

The lawmakers also condemned some military operation in Tambura County at the border with Central African Republic.

The… community was also concern about the waves of statements targeting them by their fellow members of the parliament.

They cited being marginalized and discriminated by the other community who deserted to apply a willful exclusion methodology.

“We are profoundly concerned that the innocent Balanda Community are being labeled as the conspirator with other community on allegation which we know is nothing but fallacy of assumption as there is no evidence because none exists,” they said.

“The alleged so-called photo of a fighter said to have been shot and killed in Tambura was sent to our community for verification through electro-micro imaging test analysis and the image was identified as having taken in 2016 in one of the regions” the MPs argued.

They said the press release dated 28th April,2023 in particular gave a misnomer title because its content didn’t rhyme hence is not only misleading but is also a devastating accusation and public  incitement against the… community .

Recently other lawmakers from Western Equatoria state mostly from the SPLM party issued a statement castigating the leadership of Governor Gen. Alfred Ftuyu Karaba.

The legislators also demanded for the dismissal of the Western Equatoria State governor, Futuyo Kabara in which according to them is deviating the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCISS).

They reiterated that the censure of the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) was an ill-fated more so because the SSPDF has a military doctrine on security and defense of the country. The greater Tambura MPs appealed to the Sudan council of churches and the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) to expeditiously  speed up the prerequisite preparation for  the launch and convening  the delayed peace and reconciliation conference to resolve the inter-communal conflict between the two communities who have lived together for nearly 200years

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