National, News

Sudan army pressures RSF to surrender

By Bida Elly David

Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) has vowed not to pardon their rivals, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) until they down arms and cease insecurity in the Country.

The warning comes after Sudan’s warring military factions sent representatives to meet for ceasefire negotiations in Jeddah of Saudi Arabia.

Ambassador Abdalla Haj Ali, the SAF envoy who visited President Salva Kiir on Monday said there is no way for the Sudan Sovereign Council under Abdel Fattah Al Burhan to give-up on the battle against the rival unless the Rapid Support Forces surrenders.

“If these rebels (RSF) put down their arms, we will pardon them, not only pardoning them but also be ready to re-integrate whoever is interested to be part and parcel of the Sudanese army,” Al-Haj Ali said.

He defended Burhan’s side saying, “It was not the government who started this war, but it only reacted to maintain peace and security”.

Al-Haj Ali said the government forces didn’t adopt severe measures to put an end to the conflict due to concerns of civilians, their protection and safety.

He reiterated that the government has the ability to bring the era of the RSF to an end but respects the lives of the civilian population.

“We have decided to put measures, the army had the ability to do it in a very short time, but safety and protection of civilians was our priority,” he hinted.

The lead envoy further underscored that despite infiltration of the rebel forces into hospitals and civil quarters, the government has regained control with the hope of quelling the situation.

Quoting president Burhan’s recent voice, Ali added that “the army was compelled to military action. If the other party puts down their arms, then there is no justification for continuing war.”

The Sudanese diplomat added that with a long-term experience in conflict resolution, it would make no meaning if a government of the people begs a rebellious body, for talks.

“The army which has the experience of one hundred years will settle the situation. I don’t think that a legal president would start talks regarding final settlement with the leader of a rebellion,” he said.

Sudan’s rival factions are meeting for ceasefire negotiations in the Saudi city of Jeddah, with hopes that they will put an end to the fighting.

Since fierce gun battles ensued in the Sudan between Gen. Burkan and his former deputy, commander of the paramilitary RSF, Hemedti in mid-April, hundreds have been killed and thousands wounded.

Aid supplies also disrupted with over 100,000 seeking safety as refugees fleeing out of the country while residential areas of Khartoum turned into war zones.

However, series of brokered ceasefires have failed so far.

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