
Activist urges state authorities to pay youth providing security along Gadiang highway

By Deng David Panchol

A Jonglei based civil society activist demands state authorities to pay incentives for the youths who were employed to provide security to Africa Resource Construction Company (ARC), constructing Gadiang highway.

Bol Deng Bol, the Chairperson of Jonglei Civil Society Network noted that 800 youths employed for the service were paid incentives for the three months. He asks the state government to clear the arrears.

Demanding for their money, the youths, out of frustration, detained government delegation that went with inadequate money to inspect the road construction, for one week.

Bol told No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper that each person was to be paid 75,000 South Sudanese Pounds.

The activist has written a letter to reminding the state authority of an agreement made with the youth.

“We write to express our disappointment over the manner with which the State Government has chosen to end her own deal made three months ago with Youths, where 800 of them were tasked to provide security patrols for a period of three months along the designated Highway which ARC is now clearing in exchange of monetary incentives of 75,000 SSP a month per person, totaling to 180,000,000 SSP from February, March and April 2023,” Bol explained in his letter.

Bol objects to release of fewer amounts to the youth, which would only mean each individual gets lower than what was spelled in the agreement.

“Youths have honored and delivered their obligation. But the state government dishonored her monetary obligation, by showing up with only sixteen million (16,000,000) instead of a hundred and eighty million (180,000,000) as promised,” he stated.

He appealed to the state government to honor her obligation by meeting the demands of the aggrieved youths and use peaceful means to address the matter.

“We are reminding the Government with her security organs to never use unnecessary force against the Youth who are simply demanding their fair share, he said.

Tasking the state governor, Bol observed that prolonging the situation might give negative impact and an upper hand, jeopardizing the relative peace in the area.

“We call on the Governor of Jonglei State to swiftly find a reasonable solution and settle the matter once and for all,” he continued.

Bol appreciated the youths for being peaceful in claiming their rights by using non-violent approach.

Meanwhile, the Director General for Jonglei State Ministry of Information and Communication, Mhamad Chuol Peter, told No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper that state government has addressed the matter.

“It was just a misunderstanding between the youths and the state government delegation that went there last week. It has already been solved so the money for the youths will be paid.” Chuol explained.

He added that the youths have released the delegation that was detained in Gadiang and would go back to the state Capital, Bor.

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