
Church leaders denounce ‘Self-proclaimed prophetess’

By Jurugo Emmanuel Ogasto

Top leaders of Pentecostal Churches in Gulu city have denounced self-proclaimed prophetess, Jennifer Amony, of Heavenly Prophetic Sitting Ministries, who recently came to the spotlight for using vulgarities on her followers.

Amony is seen in a video which has gone viral on social media using unprintable words on her followers while preaching in her church located in Kanyagoga C cell, Bardege-Layibi division.

Addressing journalists in Gulu Bible Community Church, Patrick Okecha, the Chairperson of the Gulu Elders Church and Pastors Fellowship, said Prophetess Amony’s conduct is not in line with the bible doctrines.

Efforts to reach Prophetess Amony were however futile as her known mobile number was switched off.

Gilbert Okwi, the deputy Resident City Commissioner Bardege-Layibi division told Journalists that the City Security committee was considering closing the church to protect her followers.

The incident follows the exhumation of more than 140 people in Kenya who were told to starve to death by their pastor in order to meet Jesus.

Meanwhile, Amony has been summoned to appear before the Gulu City security committee.

Gilbert Okwi, the Deputy Resident City Commissioner Bardege-Layibi division, said Prophetess Amony is expected to appear before the security committee.

The self-proclaimed prophetess, Jennifer Amony, could not be availed for comments by press time.

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