By Ngor Deng
Returnees and refugees who fled raging war in the neighboring Sudan have finally received some food aid, for the first time since their arrival in Northern Bahr El Ghazal state.
The food assistance was delivered to returnees and refugees at Majok Yinhthiou by a national Non-Governmental Organisation.
Food aid distributed to the most vulnerable families of the returnees and refuges includes, sorghums, lentils, cooking oil among others.
Christian Initiative for Restoration and Development Agency (CIRDA), church-based organization, through partnership with Women Empowerment Initiative Solution (WESI) and Solidarity ministries Africa for Reconciliation and Development (SMARD) and others donated the humanitarian aids.
Over 90 refugees from Sudan and 107 most vulnerable returnees received the assistance of 204 bags of sorghums, 204 bags of lentils and 204 jerry canes of cooking oil.
Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS) Bishop of Wanyjok Diocese, Joseph Mamer Manot, the head CIRDA, delivered the food items to the beneficiaries.
“The need is too huge, currently there are 570 Refugees and 1,018 returnees in Majok Yith-thiou” adding “there is still need for more assistance,” he said.
According to bishop Mamer, clean drinking water, shelters and medicine are some of the most critical humanitarian services, needed.
He appealed to humanitarian and UN agencies for a quick response to this devastating humanitarian crisis in Majok Yith-thiou.
‘‘This food we delivered was the first since their (war evacuees) arrival in Majok Yith-thiou” noted Mamer.
He commanded the leadership of Majok Municipal Council for the facilitation and cooperation by providing needed support to the needy.
“I want to appreciate and thank my team for excellent work. Finally, I would like to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to Rev Canon James Baak Nhial who is the CD for both WESI and SMARD for his partnership and quick response to our appeal, may God continue to bless you and do you well,” Bishop Joseph expressed.
On 17 May 2023, Northern Bahr El Ghazal state (NBGs) government relocated the refugees from Kiir Adem of Aweil North to Wed-Wil, area of Aweil West County.
Over 600 refugees have so far reached the new camp to enable humanitarian organizations have easy access to them.