News, Upper Nile State

Malakal violence claims 13 lives

By Manas James

At least 13 people have been confirmed dead and 21 others injured in inter-communal violence within the Protection of Civilians site (PoC) in Malakal town, Upper Nile state.

The clashes which started on Wednesday evening continued until Thursday an only stopped after the police intervened.

Acceding to the state police commissioner, Maj. Gen. Chol Atem Jongeth said that the clashes involved members of Nuer and Chollo communities.

“It all started when a man was stabbed to death while walking to his house on Wednesday night, as such fighting broke out the following morning which involved the use of guns within POC,” he said.

An Ethiopian national is among the 13 people who were killed while the 21 injured are being treated at Malakal Teaching Hospital and MSF Hospital.

The state police commissioner said the incident is under investigation.

“According to us, this incident is a continuation of what happened on 26th May when a man was killed in clashes within POC,’ the police spokesperson said.

“So far, the situation is under our control. We are still investigating the incident because there are reports that some people may have been killed in burnt hurts,” the police officer noted.

The state information minister, Luk Sadhalla Deng, said calm has been recorded in Malakal.

Upper Nile state is preparing to receive Vice President Wani Igga, to solve the matter.

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