
Lakes State revitalized transitional Legislative Assembly reopen

By Yang Ater Yang.

Lakes State revitalized transitional assembly in Rumbek opened on Tuesday with a lawmaker saying there is relative calm.

Daniel Gumwil Nhomabur, the state lawmaker for Atiaba constituency, Rumbek East County said that the issue of insecurity has now been brought under control.

He said only pockets of armed youth who steal animals in the cattle camps and road robberies are remaining.

The legislator urged the state governor to address the elements of cattle theft and roadside robbery of property along highways in Lakes State.

“We need you to double your efforts Mr. governor to address small element who are still trying to bring insecurity in Lakes State so that they are brought to book”, he said.

Gumwil appreciates the governor’s leadership, saying because of bringing down insecurity.

“People are safe in Lakes State and those who travel from Juba are moving peacefully,” he commended.

He said the legislative Assembly is for representative of the people who are doing the oversight function and a friend of the government.

“We have three (3) pillars of the government, executive, legislature and the judiciary and we need to work together as a team because when we work together as a team. The State will run smoothly “, he said.

He explains the challenges facing the State MPs, which includes lack of conducive environment, lack of mobility and lack of offices in the State assembly.

“This is a revitalized government; we have to work together. But we have challenges since the opening of this Assembly” the MP said.

He said some MPs did not come because the Hall is too small to accommodate everyone.

The legislator said it was very important for Lakes State governor to improve the environment of Lakes State assembly.

Meanwhile, the speaker, Agum Jacob Chagai furiously expressed disappointment with the State leadership for denying her to give speech on South Sudan independence anniversary.

“This is a third one. I have been denied in my presence thrice to speak during the visit of President Salva Kiir, and also during the visit of vice president of services cluster Hassein Abdelbagic Akol.

The speaker recalled also being denied opportunity to address the people at a public rally in Rumbek freedom square.

She also urges the State governor to address the issue of MPs needs when they are sick or have accident.

“We have one of the MPs had an accident and his sight get broken. He is now at home without receiving treatment. Others are terribly sick and have no capacity to travel abroad for treatment “, she said.

She enumerated other challenges like lack of clean drinking water for the Assembly as there is only one functional borehole.

The Speaker said that during the second session recess, all MPs went to sensitize the people on peaceful co-existence within the counties and with neighbors.

She said there are challenges facing the Assembly during the past two sessions, was refusal of some executive members to heed to summon for inquiries and financial constraint.

However, the state governor, Rin Tueny Mabor urged the MPs to remain patient until there is an approved budget by national parliament and council of states in Juba for the state.

The governor urged the MPs to prepare people for peace and general elections in the country.

“If there are things not implemented well. It goes back to the issue of budget and if there is gap of security arrangements, unified forces not deployed, it goes back to budget,” he said.


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