
Northern Bahr El Ghazal University starts registration

By Hou Akot Hou

Northern Bahr El Ghazal University Administration agreed Friday to embark on completing its registration processes to commence operations.

A member of the organizing committee, Ustaz Stephen Chol Ajuong, said that Northern Bahar El Ghazel state governor, Tong Aken Ngor was briefed about the processes during the Friday meeting.

According to Ajuong, the university administration has submitted a list of 12 lecturers, whose budget is approved and will be expedited by the Ministry of Higher Education.

Ajuong added that the University library has ready established for use and a solar system is yet to be installed.

He said two colleges, especially; science sections will first begin as the university academic calendar is ready.

However, chiefs and other members of Aweil West County contributed SSP 6,173,000, which the commissioner, Majok Piol Mayen deposited in the University account.

Meanwhile, the state governor directed the University administration to speed up the processes and start recruiting lecturers.

He said that the state government would meet the outstanding needs of the premises.

The governor appreciated the people on the ground and others in the diaspora, who contributed funds for the establishment of the university, as teaching is soon expected to commence.

Many commentators have taken to social media to urge both the national and state governments to support the construction of the University before the elections.

They threaten curtailing votes if not the University’s work is not accomplished.

It has been a challenge to construct the perimeter fence, yet other people are still skeptical about how the university will operate as there are no proper halls for lectures.

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