News, Upper Nile State

Over 30 trained on constitution making process

By Yien Gattour Mead

At least 30 people have attended one-day training on the ongoing constitution making process designed to pave way for enactment of the permanent constitution of South Sudan.

The training organized at Superior Hotel in Rubkona County by Upper Nile Youth Mobilization for Peace and Development Agency (UNYMPDA) aimed at informing the participants on the provisions of the Constitution Making Act, 2022.

“We will continue to create more civic education awareness campaigns in seven counties of Unity State as soon as possible after this workshop,” Moses Arkangelo, the UNYMPDA Program manager told journalists on Friday.

Unity state minister of local government, William Dak Koy appreciated local NGOs for informing the public on their constitutional rights.

“I am personally happy with this constitution-making process, I urge Upper Nile Youth Mobilization for Peace and Development Agency to continue creating awareness on the constitutional-making process,” Dak said.

South Sudan is due to hold national elections in December 2024 when the roadmap extended in August 2022 expires.

The transitional government of national unity is required to complete enactment of the permanent constitution to replace the 2011 transitional constitution and enact relevant electoral laws.

It’s also to establish electoral institutions such as the national elections commission and constitutional review commission before the extended transitional period elapses.


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