OpEd, Politics

A letter to the editor

Dear Editor,

In search of justice: A plight of a single mother

I am Ms. Tina Achol Salva Mathok, a single mother, appealing for justice and support after being left to care for my ten-year-old daughter alone.

I met my husband in Juba in 2012 and we enjoyed life together.

However, before I gave birth, my husband left for Australia, when I was in my late twenties.

I ended up giving birth to a baby girl that alone made my dad, (deceased), the only person supporting me and my kid. The dad of the child was absent in her life.

I only received phone calls from him and a paltry support of around $100 every two to three years, which I tolerated for a long time.

The rejection has left me emotionally and financially devastated, I am burdened with the financial responsibilities of raising the child alone, including covering the costs of basic needs, education and healthcare.

Even my husband’s family members who claim they accept me and my daughter, have never been in my daughter’s life.

Everything in life is not about money. It’s about relationship with the family but whenever the father of my child comes to Juba, he never tries to sit down with my family and his family to have a talk about why he was acting this way.

He has never even picked up his own child.

The absence of my husband’s contribution has left me struggling to meet essential requirements, causing immense distress and anxiety.

Every year, ever since this situation came to hand, I have been depressed about it and anxiety is eating me up.

I need the public to help women like me. Right now, I don’t have anyone to stand with me. My family is confused about what to do because they are already disrespected by the man’s actions towards my family members.

I appeal for justice; I am imploring the legal system to ensure my rights are protected. I now seek for a fair resolution that holds my husband accountable for his actions, including legally mandated financial support for me and the child.

However, I am also concerned that my struggle may come to naught as the people involved in this matter are prominent figures.

On July 24, 2023, I lodged a complaint about my husband before he could depart Juba. My husband was detained at the airport, but, after my husband placed a phone call to his father, he was freed without a trial.

His dad pulled in with a V-8 and spoke to the officials that I was with, once he got in the vehicle, he left. His dad did not ask me or say anything. He just took his son, boarded him on the flight and left.

How can a respected South Sudanese person let such action happen? And he knows the situation. How? This is my only question. I need peace in my life. I need the court to explain to him what a man does as a father. That’s it.

By Ms. Tina Achol Salva Mathok


A fair judicial conclusion would not only bring emotional stability but also optimize Achol’s search for peace and restore her sense of worth.

There is also a need to address countless similar injustices faced by several abandoned single mothers in South Sudan.

NB: Whoever has a piece of advice or help on this matter can write through info@onedaily.com Or,  n1citizennews@gmail.com


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