Jonglei State, News

Attackers abduct two children

By Manas James

Two children were abducted when an armed group waylaid returnees in Pulturuk Payam of Nyirol County, Jonglei State on Sunday, authorities said.

Speaking to No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper yesterday, James Bol Makuey, the county commissioner, said the victims met their fate while en route to Pulturuk from Malakal where they had arrived recently following the eruption of war in Sudan.

“On Sunday morning in a place called Mugut, some returnees were attacked on the road which links Upper Nile State to Nyirol. In the incident, two children were abducted while the rest of the people escaped unhurt,” he said.

The local official condemned the attack and called for peace. He accused elements from a neighboring community of involvement in the attack.

“Last week, we had a meeting which brought representatives of Jonglei State and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) to explore ways of bringing peace. So we called on all youth to abide by peace,” he stressed.

No group claimed responsibility for this latest attack. However, cattle raids and road ambushes are common among the communities of Jonglei State and GPAA.



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