National, News

Ghanaian peacekeepers receive UN honors

By Gladys Fred Kole

At least 268 United Nations Police officers from Ghana Serving For Peace in Bentiu have received the prestigious UN medal for demonstrating commitment and dedication in the performance of their mandated duties.

Police commissioner for the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Christine Fossen, officiated the event.

The Ghanaian police contingent under the UN peace mission is made up of 212 males and 54 females who were deployed to Bentiu, Unity State, in two batches on September 20, 2022, and January 7, 2023.

Speaking at the function, the Police Commissioner for UNMISS; Fossen lauded the officers and men from GHANFUPU for their presence and diligent professionalism in the performance of their duties.

“Ghana FPU is highly regarded for their discipline and professionalism, and we in UNMISS are proud to have you as colleagues in the mission,” Fossen said.

“I wish to congratulate the 55 female officers, the highest number contributed so far and included in any contingent to be awarded medals,” she said.

She said it was critical to have female officers in uniform to any peacekeeping mission, and South Sudan is no exception.

“UNMISS recognizes and appreciates their invaluable contributions to the mission, and we pray Ghana will continue to support the mission with a good number of female officers,” Fossen stressed.

However, she also recognized the contingents for being diligent and dedicated to duty and complying with the UN’s zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse.

“We all have the responsibility not only to restrain from this activity but also to protect and monitor others as well as to report and investigate the perpetrators in close coordination with the mission components,” she stressed.

Over the years, Ghanaian peacekeepers have proven themselves invaluable in their service to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).


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