By Gama Hassan Oscas
In the realm of organized religion, modern fake churches have emerged as a concerning trend, often led by self-proclaimed prophets who boast of miraculous displays such as speaking in tongues, casting out demons, and healing the sick. These ostentatious manifestations are frequently taken as the ultimate proof of being filled with the Holy Spirit. However, it is vital to recognize that such outward displays, while impressive, do not necessarily reflect a genuine spiritual connection with Jesus Christ. As Matthew 7:22-23 warns, performing miracles and prophecies does not guarantee a profound relationship with Christ. True spiritual growth lies in embodying the fruits of the Spirit, rather than merely showcasing the gifts.
In an era marked by an increasing emphasis on sensationalism and instant gratification, it is no wonder that some individuals are drawn to the allure of charismatic leaders and their ability to wield supernatural powers. However, this focus on external manifestations has led to the proliferation of fake churches, which prioritize the exhibition of spiritual gifts over the cultivation of true spiritual character.
At the core of Christianity lies the belief that a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ is built on love, compassion, and selflessness. As Galatians 5:22-23 eloquently states, the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, kindness, long-suffering, goodness, knowledge, and faithfulness. These fruits serve as the foundation for an authentic connection with God, demonstrating one’s true spiritual maturity. The apostle Paul emphasizes the significance of the fruits, for they are not easily counterfeited. Unlike spiritual gifts, which can be mimicked or imitated, the fruits of the Spirit require genuine transformation from within.
One of the concerning aspects of modern fake churches is their tendency to prioritize spiritual gifts over the fruits of the Spirit. This misalignment perpetuates a dangerous distortion of what it means to be a follower of Christ. Such churches may foster an environment where members are encouraged to seek after impressive gifts, rather than striving for spiritual growth and character development. As a result, individuals may be led astray, confusing the outward show of miraculous abilities with true holiness.
Furthermore, the emphasis on spiritual gifts can lead to the elevation of self-proclaimed prophets who wield these powers. These individuals often exploit the vulnerability of their followers, manipulating them through the promise of miracles and prophecies. They may use theatrics and emotional manipulation to create an illusion of divine connection. In the pursuit of these ostensible manifestations of the Holy Spirit, the fundamental message of Christianity, centered on love, humility, and servitude, can become obscured.
The danger of prioritizing spiritual gifts becomes evident when we reflect on the biblical passage in Matthew 7:22-23. Jesus warns that not everyone who performs miracles or prophesies in His name will enter the kingdom of heaven. Instead, He underscores the importance of knowing Him intimately, as He declares, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.” This cautionary message highlights the necessity of a personal relationship with Christ, one rooted in genuine devotion and submission to God’s will.
In light of these concerns, it is crucial to reorient our understanding of what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Rather than chasing after superficial manifestations, we should seek to cultivate the fruits of the Spirit in our lives. Love should be the driving force behind all our actions, joy the foundation of our happiness, peace the anchor in turbulent times, and kindness the measure of our interactions with others. Long-suffering and goodness should permeate our conduct, while knowledge and faithfulness guide our decisions and beliefs.
The significance of the fruits of the Spirit cannot be overstated. When these virtues are embodied and exemplified in our daily lives, they become a testament to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. Our lives become living testimonies, drawing others closer to God through our authentic and loving actions. It is through the consistent display of these fruits that we bear witness to the profound impact of the Holy Spirit in shaping our character.
Modern fake churches must be held accountable for their distortion of Christian teachings. The pursuit of spiritual gifts at the expense of spiritual growth can lead to disillusionment and spiritual shallowness among their followers. The church should not be reduced to a mere spectacle, where miracles are paraded and prophecies are proclaimed, devoid of genuine spiritual transformation.
Instead, we must return to the essence of Christianity, where love and humility are the hallmarks of a true disciple. Genuine spiritual growth requires a deep and unwavering commitment to Christ, and the fruits of the Spirit are the tangible evidence of that commitment. Let us not be swayed by the allure of charismatic leaders and flashy displays of power. Instead, let us seek a profound and intimate connection with Jesus Christ, one that is characterized by love, joy, peace, kindness, long-suffering, goodness, knowledge, and faithfulness.
In conclusion, the rise of modern fake churches and self-proclaimed prophets who prioritize spiritual gifts over the fruits of the Spirit is a concerning phenomenon. True spirituality lies not in the outward display of miraculous powers, but in the inner transformation that leads to a life marked by love, compassion, and humility. Let us be discerning in our spiritual journey, focusing on the authentic connection with Christ and the genuine cultivation of the fruits of the Spirit. Only then can we truly reflect the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and be known by Jesus Christ.
The author of this article is an advocate and can be reached on email: