National, News

Police arrests conman

By Hou Akot Hou

Police in Aweil are holding a suspect accused of selling duplicate humanitarian aid cards to returnees.

According to Northern Bahr el Ghazal state police commissioner, Philip Madut Tong, the suspect is identified as Angok Deng Achuil.

The accused was caught in the distribution process on Sunday by the humanitarian and the Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner’s personnel.

Tong said that the suspect had admitted that he had been selling the duplicate cards to returnees to help him earn a living.

“The suspect agreed that he had been giving fake cards to those who claim are returnees, and that he got the duplicate cards from other fellow whom they have made a ploy to make money out it” the police commissioner narrated.

“Now we are still investigating him further as he said he used to sell a card at 5,000 ssp” he added.

According to Madut such practices can discourage the aid agencies and step back in giving services to the influx of returnees that plagued the state due to the Sudan’s war.

The Aweil state police commissioner urges the beneficiaries who bought the duplicate cards to return them to RRC offices so that they could get sorted out fairly.

“Such ill acts are common in the state more especially on the occasion of distributions, where people converge to get humanitarian aids” he noted.

However, residents blame some workers for collaborating with wrong elements to loot the humanitarian aid in the face of suffering masses, entitled to food.

Despite all attempts to curtail the mess, RRC, the government’s wing that oversees aid to vulnerable masses say they do all they could to fix the mess, yet some still go unnoticed.

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