National, News

South Sudanese Political dissident forms own party


By Charles K Mark

In a fragile society, political disagreements lead to disintegration of a system, giving birth to minute fragmented offspring, aiming at challenging that from which it originates and shares genetic likeness.

A typical manifestation is seen in a former child soldier, and SPLM party political activist, Peter Biar Ajak, who, on Sunday announced the formation of his own new political identity, the Revive South Sudan Party (RSSP) after parting ways with his former boss.

Biar’s party formed out of disgruntle, comes barely a week after he resigned from the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) party led by President Salva Kiir Mayardit.

“This manifesto embodies the vision of Revive South Sudan Party (RSSP) a promise of hope, progress and unity, illuminating a path worthy of our martyr’s sacrifices and grandest aspirations” the dissident former SPLM cadre stated,

According to Bair his party aims to challenge the incumbent President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Riek Machar in the coming 2024 elections.

Biar continued to call upon all citizens of South Sudan to join hands in what he claimed, “the noble struggle to restore the soul of the mother nation”.

“Our mission is to breathe life into the dreams of our people and to end all violence, banish hunger, eradicate corruption, and propel our country forward,” Biar said in the statement.

The rights’ activist, a businessman, turned politician, also called on South Sudanese to unite under the banner of the RSSP.

He promised to rise in unity, embracing the spirit of South Sudan that has in long time yearned for justice, liberty and prosperity.

In the manifesto, RSSP promised to build a robust and inclusive economy, promising to sow the seed of opportunity and prosperity, ensuring quality education and skills development for all.

“With unyielding dedication to peace, security and sanctity of law, we forge an unbreakable bond among our people standing tall against adversity to create a harmonious society,” the statement spelt out.

It continued that it would embrace the force of gender equality and women empowerment.

Dr. Biar thinks that infrastructure and urban development are key to progress, adorning the nation with gems of modernity and seamlessly weave human ingenuity.

Dr. Peter Biar Ajak is a prominent civil society leader, political dissident, and scholar from South Sudan.

He is the founder of the Juba-based Center for Strategic Analyses and Research, chair of the South Sudan Young Leaders Forum, and senior advisor to the International Growth Centre, an economic research center based at the London School of Economics.

Previously, Dr. Ajak served as an economist with the World Bank and as coordinator of policy and strategy in the Office of the Minister of National Security in the Office of the President of South Sudan, where he contributed to plans for the political and economic development of the country.

Dr. Ajak was convicted of disturbing the peace and jailed for eighteen months in South Sudan’s notorious Blue House prison.

After his release, he fled to seek a safe haven in the United States, where he continues to advocate for democracy back home.


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