OpEd, Politics

Government’s inaction: Fueling the menace of “Niggers” in Juba, South Sudan

By Gama Hassan Oscas

In the bustling city of Juba, South Sudan, a concerning and alarming trend has emerged in recent years – the rise of a group of young individuals, unruly juveniles branding themselves as “Niggers.” This group, composed mainly of disenchanted juveniles, has rapidly grown in size and influence, wreaking havoc and terrorizing the community. What is most distressing, however, is the evident failure of the Central Equatoria state government and the Juba City Council to effectively address this menace, thereby jeopardizing the safety, future, and wellbeing of the city’s inhabitants.

The “niggers” phenomenon underscores a grave failure of governance and law enforcement at multiple levels. These misguided juveniles, many of whom are as young as 12 years old, have organized themselves into groups that engage in reckless behavior, donning menacing names and participating in activities that disturb public order. These activities range from disruptive gatherings and indecent dancing to serious criminal offenses, including deadly clashes and armed intimidation of residents. Despite the increasing severity of their actions, the relevant authorities have turned a blind eye to this growing threat, seemingly accepting it as the new norm.

At the heart of this issue lies the collective failure of the various tiers of government to fulfill their fundamental responsibilities. Law enforcement agencies, including the police and security forces, are tasked with maintaining law and order, safeguarding public safety, and preventing criminal activities. However, in Juba, where a security personnel is seemingly ubiquitous every few meters, it is astonishing that these illegal gatherings and criminal acts continue to transpire without hindrance. This inertia points to a deeply rooted complacency, if not an implicit endorsement, that might not exonerate the authorities in charge.

Compounding the concern is the observation that some of these unruly youths are children of prominent officials, even clerics. The fact that these individuals are unable to manage the behavior of their own children while simultaneously holding positions of influence raises questions about the efficacy and integrity of the governance system. This contradiction further erodes public trust in the government’s commitment to safeguarding the welfare of the citizens it is supposed to serve.

The impact of the “niggers” phenomenon extends far beyond immediate disruptions and clashes. The influence of these groups has contributed to a disheartening increase in school dropouts, particularly among young boys. Their disruptive behavior and negative peer influence have led to a troubling shift in gender enrollment ratios, with more girls now enrolling in schools compared to boys. This shift is indicative of a larger problem – a generation of boys falling victim to the allure of criminal behavior, fueled by the inaction of authorities.

The situation is dire and demands urgent intervention. The future of South Sudan hangs in the balance as these misguided youths evolve into hardcore criminals. To address this issue, a multi-pronged approach is required, with Central Equatoria state and the Juba City Council at the forefront.

Firstly, a comprehensive and coordinated effort must be launched to dismantle these “nigger” groups and neutralize their impact on the community. This includes the identification and apprehension of ringleaders, as well as the implementation of programs aimed at re-educating and rehabilitating these young individuals.

Secondly, the legal system must play a pivotal role in deterring criminal behavior. Swift prosecution and meaningful consequences for these groups will send a clear message that such activities will not be tolerated. Additionally, as mentioned, penalties should be imposed on establishments, such as hotels, that provide a platform for these groups to engage in their illegal activities.

Moreover, the education system must be reinforced to address the negative peer influence and prevent further school dropouts. Schools can serve as environments where positive values and behaviors are cultivated, countering the allure of criminal groups.

Lastly, the broader government apparatus, including the Central Equatoria state government, Juba City Council, and law enforcement agencies, must be held accountable for their inaction. Transparent investigations into any potential collusion or negligence must be conducted, and appropriate measures should be taken to ensure that similar failures are not repeated in the future.

In conclusion, the rise of the “niggers” in Juba, South Sudan, underscores a grave failure on the part of the government to uphold its responsibilities to maintain law and order, safeguard public safety, and protect the wellbeing of its citizens. The inaction of the Central Equatoria state government and the Juba City Council has allowed this menace to fester, resulting in a significant threat to the community’s security and the future of the nation. Urgent and comprehensive measures are needed to dismantle these groups, address the root causes of their formation, and hold those in positions of power accountable for their failure to act. Only through a concerted effort can the grip of these criminal groups be loosened, ensuring a brighter future for South Sudan and its citizens.

The author of this article is an advocate and can be reached on email at: oscarsgama@gmail.com


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