National, News

Prof. Akec regrets confrontation with Unity State Governor

By Charles K Mark

Vice Chancellor Prof. John Akec of the University of Juba expressed regret over his disagreement with Unity State Governor Joseph Manytuil regarding the dredging of the Naam River.

During the recently concluded economic conference, the two-pointed sharp spears against each with Manytuil accusing Akec of naming Unity State people as animals, and yet Akec demanded evidence of such a dehumanizing statement.

“I would like to express my deepest regret about how a genuine exchange with Governor Monytuil had gone out of control; and led to misunderstanding and unproductive debate among our citizens,” Akec wrote on his Facebook Page.

The Professor stated that despite the disagreements, he and the Unity Governor are committed to serving the citizens in different capacities and roles.

“I also want to let it be known that I have neither hard feeling against the people of Unity State nor against Governor Joseph Monytuil,” the VC continued.

The disagreement sparked when Professor John Akec and Governor Monytuil started an argument over the impact (Benefits and shortfalls) of dredging the Naam River.

The Juba University boss thinks proper assessment must be conducted before the country agrees to dredge its longest and biggest Sudd on fears that droughts await the country if dredging takes place.

On his part, Governor Joseph Nguen Monytuil explained that if the exercise (Dredging) is not conducted; the people around River Naam and the Sudd would continue to be disadvantaged alleging of negative effect on livelihood.

“Our people have been dying for the last four (4) years, they lost livestock, and the livelihood has totally changed. The population has turned into a vulnerable population or community on humanitarian assistance because of the flood,” Explained Governor Monytuil.

The governor emphasized that the lives of the people of Unity State must matter hence the exercise of clearing of the Naam River must continue.

Meanwhile, Akec through his Facebook page hoped that the matter would be put to rest and that everyone would focus on solving the economic challenges fronting the country.

“I want this matter to be put to rest and that we should all put our hands together and focus our energies on solving the economic challenges facing our country,” The VC addressed.

In recent years, a South Sudanese lawyer threatened to sue the government to the East African Court of Justice over a plan to dredge the Naam River in Unity state.

South Sudan and Egypt had reportedly jointly agreed to dredge the river to provide more water flow to Egypt.

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