Lakes state, News

Police under investigation training

By Yang Ater Yang

At least 50 police in Rumbek are undergoing a three-day training on conducting interviews, investigating criminal cases, addressing gender-based violence and presenting cases in court.

The training that started on Wednesday was organized by the United Nations Police (UNPOL) field office in Rumbek.

UNPOL Deputy Field Office Commander, PA Evelyn Amoako encouraged the police to consistently gather information while performing their duties.

She mentioned that the training will provide guidance on how to conduct investigations and conduct interviews with suspects.

“I urge you all to take the training more seriously because it’s something that will upgrade you, it’s something that puts the police on top during the investigation especially when we gather information and we want to go to the court,” Amoko added.

“Throughout this training, we will help you know how to gather information, how to present evidence and then during the court proceedings how are you going to stand in court as an investigator and present your case to win,” she said.

The investigators will also be trained on human rights and criminal investigation, reporting systems and then report writing.

The director of police investigation (CID) in Lakes State, Marial Akol Pel, expressed concern about the high number of crimes in the area.

He emphasized the importance of improving investigation skills to conduct criminal investigations in a proper manner which he said would ensure that when the investigation is presented in court, no crucial details are missing, and the judge can make an informed decision.

“According to what we know, the work of CID is subpar, but we are still expected to complete the tasks assigned to us as police officers,” he said.

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