Lakes state, News

UNMISS trains police on investigation

By Yang Ater Yang

A three-day training program to enhance the skills of law enforcement officers in conducting interviews, investigating criminal cases, concludes in Lakes state.

The training also aimed at addressing gender-based violence, improving information gathering and case presentation procedures in court.

United Nations Police (UNPOL) field office in lakes state organized the training that attracted 50 officers from the Criminal Investigations Directorate.

Lakes State police representative, Maj. Elijah Mabor Makuac expressed gratitude to the UN for initiating the workshop to build capacity among police personnel.

He highlighted several challenges facing the police in Lakes State, including economic challenges, the issue of identity cards (IDs), and the issue of police uniforms.

He said Economic challenges have prevented the police from training and building their own personal capacity.

Sebit Job, a participant expressed gratitude to UNMISS and the police administration for equipping them with tools to protect citizens’ rights and the nation.

He underlined that the training was not just a tool but a knowledge that can be used as a weapon to fight.

The three-day workshop provided valuable training on crime investigation procedures and court proceedings.

Sebit expressed his desire for similar training to be given to other officers who lack knowledge to help the nation.

UNMISS coordinator, Kwame Aboagye, expressed satisfaction with the organization of the training and its continued efforts.

He highlighted the mission of the UN to see South Sudan’s police force as a professional force.

Aboagye noted that issues such as police uniforms and police identity cards were already being addressed, and he will discuss these issues with the police commissioner.

He said the UN is committed to providing capacity building for the benefit of the South Sudanese.

Aboagye promised to continue providing training until the allocated funds are exhausted.

He encouraged participants to use the knowledge gained from the training to strengthen the police service in South Sudan.

The UNPOL representative also emphasized that South Sudanese independence could lead to international participation in UN missions and combating conflicts.

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