National, News

Bakosoro’s former Party in leadership turmoil

By William Madouk

South Sudan National Movement for Change Party (SSNMC) which was formed by the likes of Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro is facing a chaotic power struggle.

The party is at the verge of splitting into two factions, with each asserting its legitimacy.

One group, headed by Clement Juma, while the other, under Central Equatoria State Minister of Local Government and Law Enforcement Agency, Moro Isaac Genesio.

In a document seen by this outlet, David De Dau, a spokesperson for SSNMC allied to Clement Juma informed South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) leadership that Moro Isaac is not the legitimate trailblazer.

De Dau vowed a legal suit if Moro continues to claim leadership of the party.

“The leadership of SSNMC clarifies to SSOA that Moro Isaac Jenesio is not the chairperson of the SSNMC as claimed,” partly reads the letter.

De Dau intimated that SSNMC name is legally reserved at the South Sudan Political Parties Council under the leadership of Hon. Clement Juma.

“Therefore, we urge the self-proclaimed group of Moro Isaac to abstain from the use of the name as a legal case may be invoked if they persist,” it stressed.

Mr. De Dau distanced his group from a complaint by a group, accusing governor, Emmanuel Adil of plotting to ouster Moro Isaac who is also the Minister of Local Government and Law Enforcement Agency.

The disgruntled group also called on their senior coalition leader, Vice President Hussein Abdelbagi to relieve Josephine Lagu from SSOA chairmanship and elect a new leader to the helm, citing that her 3 years term has ended.

In rebuttal, the minister of local government, Mr. Moro trashed De Dau’s claim, terming it as ‘baseless’ and ‘unfounded’ allegations.

Moro said that he is the real boss of the South Sudan National Movement for Change.

“This statement is not true, I was an elected leader of the South Sudan national movement for change,” Moro told No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper.

“Dau defected to SPLM and he is also leading a political party called Rainbow People’s Party, so he’s not a member of the SSNMC this was a group that defected, they left SSNMC with the former chair,” he clarified.

He said until the elections were conducted in September 2021, the duo was not a member of the SSNMC outfit, adding the wrangle was within SSOA and not his party’s concern.

“So, these are proxy organizations created to add to the fight within SSOA. You cannot come from anywhere and open a suit against another person, who’s the property or who’s the organization you claim to be part of – the question of legal suit is not a threat it should be something real.”

According to Moro, the issue was resolved long ago because there is no legality, but some bigwig individuals are behind the current wrangling.

He further added the group is always against any leader who is principal, resilient and does the right thing.

Moro’s ascension to power

On September 2021, Maj. Gen. Moro Isaac Genesio was elected as the chairperson of the SSNMC in an extraordinary convention held in Juba.

He replaced the former chairman Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro who abandoned his party and rejoined the South People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) party.

Prior to his election, Ishag Elias Ibrahim Towo, who was the deputy chairman of the party was the interim chairperson.

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