National, News

Parliament convenes on South Sudan-Uganda border dispute

By Aweye Teddy Onam

South Sudan Transitional National Legislative Assembly is set to convene in an extraordinary sitting today to discuss dispute on border, between Kajo-Keji County of Central Equatoria State and Uganda.

The session was adjourned yesterday after House Speaker Hon. Jemma Nunu Kumba failed to show up and her Deputies were also nowhere to be seen.

The Chairperson of the Information Committee at the Transitional Legislative Assembly, John Agany said he even does not know the reason for the absence of the speaker.

Other hot motions on the agenda, are the rise of child abduction, brutal killing of road travelers and ruthless cattle raiding in Nyirol County Jonglei State.

Tensions in Kajo-Keji County have escalated following allegations by locals that Uganda People’s Defense Forces 9UPDF) are encroaching on the South Sudan Territories and establishing a base there.

A joint proposal meeting between border communities was postponed last week after Kajo-Keji authorities protested the deployment of UPDF forces.

In May, the chief of Kajo Keji County accused Ugandans of encroaching on South Sudan land as they cunningly settled their families in the country’s territory.

Executive chief of Bamurye boma, Kangapo II payam of Kajo-Keji County, Gonyi Anthony, said Ugandans from Moyo district of Uganda had pitched tents in South Sudan territory.

According to the chief, the settlement of Ugandans had thrown the lives of the local inhabitants into abyss, including attempted rape and grabbing of property.

Gonyi stated that the Ugandans in question resided at Adire Primary School in Barmuye Boma where they wanted to raise their flag.

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