
Cabinet passes arbitration bills  

By Charles K Mark


South Sudan cabinet on Friday passed two bills for the formation of the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing; and another one for the Compensation and Reparation Authority.

Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Ruben Madol, presented the bills.

Government spokesman, Michael Makuei Lueth, stated that while the passing of bills is overdue, it’s better late than never as the formation of commissions will be guided by the bills.

“This bill is provided for the establishment of the Commission. It is also provided for the establishment of the administration and for the promotion of peace and national reconciliation and healing,” Makuei told journalists after the weekly cabinet meeting.

“Of course, these two bills are in accordance with the provisions of the agreement, the agreement provided for the establishment of these commissions and authority,” he added, saying the bills align with the agreement.

Chapter 5 of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan provides for the establishment of the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation, and Healing (CTRH), a Hybrid Court for South Sudan (HCSS), and a Compensation and Reparation Authority (CRA).

Once passed by parliament, Makuei said it will pave the way for the formation of the reconciliation commission that will be open for complaints or grievances for investigation.

Makuei added that the Compensation and Reparation Authority will address issues of compensation and reparation.

The two Bills are critical parts of the peace-building process in South Sudan, to spearhead efforts to reconcile communities and promote peace and healing.

On Thursday, peace guarantors of the revitalized peace agreement expressed concerns over the persistent lack of political will manifested by the principles of the deal.

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