Central Equatoria State, News

Munuki Council restricts bars

By Gladys Fred Kole/ Teddy Aweye


Munuki block council has imposed new regulations on bars and clubs, limiting their operation from 6 to 10 pm CAT and require approval letters to continue beyond the stated hours.

Director of Munuki Block Council, Timon Wani M. Dere says that bar owners must obtain approval letters to operate under certain rules and regulations.

“First of all, the loud voice should not be there, underage children should not be there, and movement at night should be stopped, if they stay for late hours, nobody should come out.”

According to Timon, Munuki Block had experienced increased insecurities in the past three to five months, with boda boda members facing numerous robberies, gunshots, and loss of young lives.

“That is why the Munuki Block Council has come to regulate the bars to work from six up to ten, at least to regulate all of them. Any bar that wants to work at night has to get approval from the office of Munuki Block,” he said.

He mentioned that some women, particularly girls, may arrive late from bars and may face robbery or rape cases.

“And we have experienced that the security situation is improving after we have come out with these regulations,” Timon stated.

He called for cooperation from bar and club owners, warning them that failure to comply could result in legal action.

Meanwhile, bar and club owners have decried the move, describing it as unjust.

Speaking to this outlet Mr. Alfred Male Alex, the owner of Standard Bar in Munuki said the imposition of the order paralyzed business.

“They want to make sure things are being imposed so that we may not experience a lot of insecurities on the side and all that, so I think, that is all about the answers that they gave us,” Male said.

He hoped that the issue would be resolved soonest.

“We don’t know how much they are going to charge us for the approval letters, yet currently we are already paying for different taxes, two approval letters from different government organs, that are the CID, and the National Security Office, and if they are to add another one it is going to be from Payam.” Male stated.

He believes that they have no negative intentions in encouraging young boys to engage in unconventional activities, but they aim to ensure they are growing in a positive manner and are prepared to take over the country.

“We don’t allow underage to enter inside and if we identify that there is this group of boys who are in gangs, we don’t allow them to enter,” Male stressed.

Another Bar owner expressed that the new measure is negatively impacting her business.

“We have to work past 10 pm CAT, we are having tax payments that we are paying right now and it’s too much,” Anikuru said.

Anikuru urged the officials to come up with a solution to the situation as soon as possible as these new rules are affecting the bar business.

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