OpEd, Politics

Don’t trade your privilege for material possessions

By Abraham Kuch luiny Akuot

 In today’s consumer-driven society, it’s easy to fall into the traps, equating material possessions with success and happiness. 

We are bombarded with advertisements that tell us we need the latest gadgets, the trendiest clothes, and the most luxurious cars to feel fulfilled.

But in our pursuit of material wealth, we often overlook the privileges we already possess, that money can never buy.

Privileges come in many forms; it could be the color of your skin, your gender, your sexual orientation, or your social economic status you were born into. These afford us certain advantage and opportunities that others may not have.

However, it’s important to remember that it is not something to be ashamed of; rather it’s a responsibility to be aware of and to use for the betterment of the society.

Trading one’s privilege for material possessions is an unfortunate mindset that perpetuates inequality and further widens the gap between the haves and the have-nots.

When we priorities acquiring material goods over using our privileges to uplift others, we contribute to a system that thrives on exploitation and injustices. Instead of chasing after the next big purchase, we should focus on utilizing our privileges to create a positive change. This can be done through advocacy, supporting the marginalized communities, and challenging systemic inequalities.

By recognizing and acknowledging our privileges, we can become allies to those who are oppressed and work towards a more equitable society.

Moreover, I came to realize that trading privileges for material possessions is a fleeting and an empty pursuit.

I also confirmed that material possessions may bring temporary joy and satisfaction, but it does not lead to long lasting fulfillment. True happiness and contentment come from living a purposeful life, one that’s driven by values such as empathy, compassion and social responsibility.

My journey was full of trading my privileges for material possessions, but someone just told me that, when we choose to trade our privileges for material possessions, we are essentially prioritizing our own immediate desires over the well-being of others. We’re turning a blind
eye to the injustices in the world and perpetuating a cycle of inequality.

When I was fully blind, I thought that a privilege is something we earned or deserve, when my eyes gone open, I realized that it’s important to know that our privileges are not something we earned or deserve but rather circumstances of birth or societal structures.

So, I took it as a personal responsibility to used it wisely and responsibly.

We can sell material possessions for material possessions, but we can’t trade a privilege for a material possession. The pursuit of material possessions should never come at the cost of trading our privileges.

I realized that if people were to recognize and utilize it (privileges) for
the greater good, they would have contributed to a more just and equitable society.

My pastor told me that material wealth may fade but the impact we make through our privileges can have a lasting and meaningful effects on the lives of others. He also said that encourage yourself to strive for a world where privilege is not trade for material possessions but used as a tool for a positive change.

The author is a senior four student at king’s college secondary School-Nimule. He can be reached at email abrahamkuchluiny34@gemail.com or WhatsApp at 0927318410

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