
Over five newborn babies dumped in a month

By Charles K Mark


At least five cases of newborn babies abandoned by their mothers and found in different locations in Juba-South Sudan, have been reported within a period of one month.

A report from Central Equatoria State Ministry of Gender, Child and Social welfare indicates that most of the babies are about a year or less.

According to Director General of Social Welfare in the Ministry, Omar Sherefedin Hussein Jada, among the abandoned babies, two mothers have been found.

“Between September and October, the registered official number of the babies’ dumps has reached up to five,” Omar said, adding that others might not have been located.

He stated that through counseling, they managed to convince mothers to accept taking care of the two babies they had abandoned.

According to Omar, the two mothers blamed their actions on family disagreements.

The social worker explained that though the police consider the act as a crime, the social welfare department believes it is a social problem caused by societal issues.

Omar revealed that some mothers choose strategic locations, while others consider critical areas, and many just dump babies at random sites, based on the situation.

He mentioned Kuburi Haboba, Gumbo, Gbongoroki, Hai Sujun, Checkpoint, and Juba Teaching Hospital, as some of the sites where dumped babies have been recovered.

The social workers wondered how people could be so unresponsive to a gift of life given by God.

Omar further underscored that as many people are lacking and looking to have children of their own, others want to throw away theirs.

“According to the Child Act 2008, every child has a right to family. If one does not have the power to raise a child, bring the child to us; the government is responsible,” he advised.

The director of social welfare also explained that there are legal procedures that people who want to adopt and become foster parents can follow to have kids for them to raise.

“No one should accept the responsibility of a child before legal procedures. Everything must be documented so that you freely nurture a child that does not belong to you.” Mr. Omar cautioned.

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