Lakes state, News

Ex-Aliab youth leader nabbed

By William Madouk


Security apparatus have allegedly arrested the former chairperson of Aliab Youth Association in Juba, Makuei Deng Makuei on Wednesday night in Awerial County of Lakes State.

According to information obtained by No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, a security officer stormed Mr. Makuei’s room in Mama Nyalueth Hotel at 11:45 pm in Mingkaman area of Awerial County.

Mr. Malith Joshua Ahol, a relative to Makuei confirmed the arrest.

“Yeah, the thing is true, [the arrest] was first discussed by a politician at 11:00 and when it reached 11.30, Mr. Makuei was kidnapped by security organs,” said Ahol.

“His room was broken into and all the doors were broken, So, that’s what had happened,” he added.

He hinted that the arrest of the former Aliab youth chairman could be related to the case of a bishop accused of committing adultery but was later acquitted by the court after no substantial evidence was found.

To him, the Bishop was accused of having an affair with someone’s wife, but when the case was referred to court, no proof that the latter was guilty of the infidelity, and that broke the camel’s back.

“Of course, the Bishop [name withhold] was having a case and was taken to the court and he won the court,” he added.

“So, the problem was a conflict of interest between the supporters of Bishop and the supporters of the other group,” he explained.

“There is politics in the church and they want to bring a different man that’s why they put that lame accusation on the bishop and then they went and hired the lady. The judge then acquitted him because there was no merit in the case,” he continued.

Mr. Ahol added that he suspected the Commissioner of Awerial County, Philip Mawut Garang to be behind the arrest because Garang is against bishop’s supporters whom Makuei is allied to.

“Yeah. Of course, the commissioner is the one who arrested Mr. Makeui because the commissioner is from the other side, that has lost the case and the ex-chairman is from the side who has won the case,” he claimed.

According to Ahol, the commissioner ordered the arrest of five bishops, and former government officials including MPs but later, the commissioner changed his mind and went after the former youth boss.

But Mr. Ahol, who was minister of education in the defunct 32 states, said they are worried as a family, adding that up to the moment, they don’t know the whereabouts of their son.

“Whether he will be released later or he will not be released, we must remain as family members having that problem with the family of the commissioner,”

However, when contacted by No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, the commissioner of Awerial county Philip Mawut Garang, could not deny or confirm the arrest of Makuei but said he was in the meeting but would give his account later.

But he later did not answer repeated calls.



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