News, Northern Bahr el-ghazal

Police detains youth leader, two others

By Hou Akot Hou


Police in Aweil are detaining the Northern Bahr El Ghazal State Youth Union chairperson and two other youths arrested on Tuesday.

The deputy youth union spokesperson, Mr. Deng Atuop Deng, revealed that policemen stormed Railway hotel in Aw+eil town, where the youth leader and his cabinet were holding an annual review meeting of their activities when he was taken on Tuesday morning.

Atuop said the youth union chairperson, Tito Awen Bol, and his cabinet members were ordered to halt the meeting without giving genuine reasons or explanations for the stoppage.

He said Mr. Awen and his other colleague, Gar Deng Gar, are being detained at the police state headquarters in Aweil town, while Alop Atak is detained at the Special Protection Unit Centre (SPU).

“Now they have taken Tito Awen, and they have smacked him in the face,” he said.

“They have beaten him up, and they were telling him why he held the meeting without notifying the security apparatus,” he said.

Atuop said they tried to tell the state police that they had delivered letters to all relevant security institutions, like the NSS, police, and the state government. The police detectives didn’t heed their explanations.

“We also asked them to produce the arrest warrant for us and who was closing the meeting. But they gave no response but harshly stormed the youth chairperson at random, beating him, insulting him, and all that. They picked him by his clothes, and he was asking questions but didn’t get answers till he was taken away,” Aduop narrated.

The deputy youth union spokesperson stated that they are tirelessly working around the clock to ensure that the chairperson and the other two colleagues are bailed out before going to court if given a lawsuit.

Northern Bahr el Ghazal state minister of information, William Anyuon Kuol, when contacted for comment, said he is not aware of the youth chairperson arrests.

The youth union chairperson, Mr. Tito Awen Bol, has been facing hurdles in his office as some cliques of youth are allegedly working to topple him after suspending him for 3 months.

The youth leader was accused of corruption and embezzlement, lack of progress in youth activities, and handpicking of his own associates, among others.

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