National, News

No one must carry weapons to Malakal -Rebecca

By Aweye Teddy Onam


Vice President for Gender and Youth Cluster urges people of the Upper Nile region not to carry guns to Malakal when they go for SPLM regional rally for the endorsement of President Salva Kiir.

Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior was speaking on Saturday in Juba during a preparatory meeting for the forthcoming Upper Nile regional rally.

She advocated for a weapon- free and peaceful environment in Malakal town when the party supporters and cadres converge to endorse Kiir.

The Upper Nile region follows Bahr el Ghazal region to endorse Salva Kiir as the sole flag bearer of SPLM party for the anticipated 2024 general election.

She noted that Upper Nile should have been the first to nominate Comrade Salva Kiir, ahead of Bahr-El-Ghazel region.

According to Nyadeng, the late Dr. John Garang chose Salva Kiir from Upper Nile in the presence of Dr. Riak Machar and Lam.

“In the new site, when Dr. Garang died, it was Kuol Manyang, Elija Maluaok, and Changai Atem who were the ones who nominated Salva Kiir to continue from where Dr. Garang left,” Nyadeng recounted.

“All of us, or maybe some of us in this hall, were witnesses.” She continued.

Dr. Garang’s widow hinted that the preparatory meeting in Juba might be God’s making to bring the people of Upper Nile together for peace, considering the communal conflicts in the area.

She lamented that the Upper Nile people are known to be people who like fighting, yet it is a very great and rich region in everything.

In the recent past, Upper Nile has witnessed a series of inter-communal violence and clashes among forces of renegade general Simon Gatwech of the SPLM/A-IO Kitgwang declaration, General Johnson Olony of Gwelek forces, and the non-unified forces of the SPLA-IO, resulting in too many casualties.

But since the coming of Gen. Olony to Juba to implement an agreement he signed with the ruling SPLM, the situation has subsided.

“When you come from Malakal after the nomination and still separate yourselves, you will be cursed forever” she cautioned.

Rebecca urged the chairperson of the organizing committee for the preparatory rally to call people back to Freedom Hall for a discussion for peace.

President Kiir’s endorsement rally in the Upper Nile region has gathered pace as the steering committee is actively engaging all stakeholders to ensure its success.

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) last year ticketed President Salva Kiir as the flag bearer in the 2024 elections during a colorful National Liberation Council (NLC) restructure of the ruling party.

The Greater Bahr el Ghazal Region has already endorsed Kiir as the party’s flag-bearer for the 2024 elections.

Now it is time for the Upper Nile SPLM family to paint the carpet red for the endorsement of their chairperson for the presidency.

The High-Level Committee is putting much emphasis on the preparation of the people of the Upper Nile Region to receive President Salva Kiir Mayardit on the first week of December 2023 in Malakal town.

The committee noted in their plan that a comprehensive SPLM rally will be held in the state’s capital, Malakal, within the secretariat.

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