National, News

Police nabs over 70 suspected gang members

By Gladys Fred Kole


Police, on Sunday evening, apprehended 70 individuals suspected of different criminal activities in Gumbo-Sherikat.

“They are under detention and investigations are ongoing,” Police spokesperson Maj Gen. Daniel Justin told No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper yesterday.

Gen. Justin said the operation will continue for 21 days, as per the new inspector general’s office, who is currently looking into the matter.

“Nothing was confiscated from them, but we are getting information from those women whose bags were snatched, Toronto’s who are involved with motorbikes snatching phones and niggas,” he added.

According to the spokesperson, the CID is already gathering information to identify those involved.

“We are still investigating; the number is big; investigations need to be fair and clear so that anybody innocent will be released; no problem; those involved will face the law,” he added.

Gen. Justin announced that the crackdown on criminal activities is going to take place in the whole of Juba, particularly in active areas like Lologo, Gudele, and Mauna.

He emphasizes the danger of street gangs, who are known to harm anyone on the street and often cut or take belongings in groups, citing Gumbo, where people were threatened so severely that they couldn’t move at 7 p.m.

“We have intensified our patrolling in those hot spot areas; we have deployed a lot of police, and we will be monitoring; our community leaders are also engaged in giving timely information about any suspected criminal activity; once they call, we shall interfere immediately.”

The police urge parents to be vigilant about their children’s whereabouts and drug-free status, as they have a significant role to play in preventing potential victims.

For her part, Betty Yangi, a Lologo resident, has lauded the police for this tremendous work done and therefore urges them to continue with the operation they have already started.

“Three criminals walked to me at 5 p.m.; I was headed home with my little daughter, and they told me to surrender my phone and bag here in Lologo,” Yangi said.

Mrs. Yangi hoped for continued police operations to combat city criminals,

“The rate of crime in Juba is on the increase, especially in these last months of the year; we really need help; we live and move in fear beyond 6 p.m.”

Upon taking office, the Inspector General of Police (IGP) has taken a stringent stand on the notorious groups, best known as Niggers, promising to deal with them in a tough way.

Highlighting his first 90 days in office, IGP Marol further talked tough on the issues of gang boys who have been terrorizing the citizens.

“Issues of niggers are going to be a priority. Starting tomorrow, I want to promise, and I want to ask whoever has a child who is outside and operating as a nigger, my administration will not allow that,” he warned.

He added that he would work with all police officers so that they cooperate together to execute their police mandate of keeping law and order and protecting the citizens.

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