By Chol Peter Majoh
Last year, South Sudan topped a damning list of the world’s hungriest countries. That was according to a food insecurity report by the FAO and WFP. This report came a few days after South Sudan was rated the world’s most corrupt country by Transparency International.
Since then, nothing has improved in terms of food security. Instead, Hunger has gone more extreme than ever before. Hunger still continues to claim lives year in, and year out. On Monday, five people were reported to have died as a result of anemia, which I can say is a result of malnutrition, and malnutrition comes from hunger. Thursday’s paper (Last week), on its front page, also came with another report of 1,000 people forced out of Lafon County by hunger. These reports and others tell us that hunger is not dealt with; instead, it’s dealing with us. And now, the so-called action against hunger sounds like hunger against action.
Hunger is real in South Sudan. It’s real, but these heavy-guarded men and women, boys and girls, favored by the country’s oil money; these Guys with their V8s and iPhone(s) 13, 14, and 15 to be pro Max have concealed the fact that people are starving in South Sudan. People I think, yeah, South Sudan is a land of great abundance.
But in a real sense, let me tell you, there is hunger. It’s only 5 or 10 percent of the country’s population isn’t starving. But for the Rest is either one or no day, occasionally two days. I don’t If you want to touch anything about refugees and IDPs, you already know what they are going through. But, dear majority, pretending to be okay When they are not, let it be admitted that hunger is real. South Sudan.
Yesterday afternoon, I and a certain friend of mine went to a restaurant. for lunch. We sat down and ordered our food. While we were waiting for the waitress to serve us, a certain man came and just sat next to us. Shortly after some minutes, our food was served and given to us. We then began eating. Time went on. It kept on going, but this man never ordered anything. We noticed he had no money and needed to eat. but his ego keeps his mouth tied. He couldn’t talk. We realized this and asked the waitress to give him a plate too. He was given. With fear in his voice, he said, “Sons, thanks a lot for your astute observation. “You have really understood my situation”. He wasn’t a drunkard to be misunderstood. He doesn’t look too young to be doubted. He is a grown-up man who looks very responsible. I can’t judge him, because that is what I used to go through, but only my ego keeps me from going to the restaurant. This guy represents the other people starving in their dwelling. There is hunger in the land.
By the way, that’s not the first time it’s happened. It also happened. two months ago. I went to a certain restaurant, and one Mzee (an old man) came to me and whispered into my ears, “Young man, please be responsible for my today’s lunch”. That day was good enough; he was lucky I had some money. We had our lunch together. These experiences do not say the country is entirely starving, but it must be understood that the majority is always over the minority, and therefore, in this case, the majority living under the excruciating pain of hunger tells that South
Sudan is really hungry. Note also that she’s from South Sudan, not only hungry but also angry because “a hungry person is an angry person.”
I can’t judge the entire country based on my own experiences, but in truth, it must be said that the country is affected by hunger. Don’t be ignorant or too ignorant. We must get to know the reason for robbery, raiding, and Torontoism (I hope you understand this) are rampant in this country. because there’s hunger. Every mess in this country is because of hunger.
I want to acknowledge that there are South Sudanese who never knew that there was hunger in South Sudan. Yes, these are the people who eat the country’s oil. money. They have their children abroad. These dudes drink whatever they want. wish to, eat whatever they feel like, and go wherever their hearts tell them to. Their families abroad portray a different image than the real image of South Sudan to the countries in which they live. It’s an unimaginable luxury! The jewels they wear, the houses they rent, their rich wallets, and the clothes they wear—all these tell us there is No hunger exists in South Sudan. But that’s a lie; there’s hunger. It must be said, yes, there is hunger.
There is no word that can describe the hunger South Sudan faces. Why? If it was said to be the ‘hungriest’ nation last year, there’s no word from the dictionary that can best replace the word ‘hungriest’. The adjective hungriest is in its superlative form, which is the strongest.
description that nothing can be compared with.
So, if South Sudan was the world’s ‘Hungriest’ country last year, What’s it like this year?
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