Columnists, RELIGION

Jesus’ first public ministry

By Abraham Anyon Ngoor Gorjok


For the first time, Jesus began to preach and to say, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

We have to understand the mind of Christ regarding how he dealt with the preaching of the gospel, which is the good news.

There is something you need to know from the time Jesus appeared on the scene, from his birth up to the time he grew. He was born into the same unrighteous generation as we are, and all the way through his life, he was among sinners but with a mission to save them.

Jesus knew his purpose as to why he came to earth; he knew his assignment to the teeth; he knew when to give, to give his life and salvage mankind; that is why when the pharisees tried to plot to kill him, the Bible said his time had not yet come, so they couldn’t touch him.

That’s why you must know and settle it in your heart that a time will come when you will die one day, but blessed are those who die in the Lord, because they have hope of living in eternity with Jesus.

Yes, they leave from living in the body, but eternal life is beyond this earthly realm in which we are living. That’s why the Apostle Paul said something extraordinary about death: that to live and die is to gain. Dying in the kingdom is not a big deal; it’s living on the other side, where Jesus, the patriarchs, and all saints live. So it is a gain to die and live with the Father. However, that is good and powerful when you have fulfilled your divine purpose on earth, because everyone here, whether they know it or not, is here for a purpose. There is a purpose that all of us were born to fulfil, just as Jesus was born to fulfil his purpose, which is to destroy the works of the devil.

Jesus’ Public ministry is so vital to our lives as a people. In the vineyard of the Lord, there is reigning, victory, and fellowship with the Father. This is where the reality of Jesus starts to be evident in our lives; he began to teach, saying, repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Repentance is a very powerful word. Let me give you two words to define it for you.

Firstly, repent means to change your mind, and secondly, it means to be sorry and full of remorse as you turn from your wicked ways and turn your heart to the father of righteousness.

However, you need to know that Jesus was born in a society ruled by the philosophies and traditions of men plus self-righteousness, which was dominant among the pharisees in his day. He had to begin by telling them to repent, change their minds, and turn to God as they gave up their wicked ways.

Why did Jesus begin by telling them to change their minds? It’s because the way our cultures have raised us up is not how God wants us to think in this kingdom of his dear son Jesus.

When you come to the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, you must embrace a changed mind in Christ Jesus if you want to make an impact on your daily endeavors while also attaining eternal heritage.

In Philippians 2:5, we are told to have the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ is a mind of divinity, which every Christian possesses, whether you know it or not. It’s another thing. We must awaken to a mind of humility where we accept the word of God as it is.

Don’t hesitate to accept the integrity of God’s word. It is reliable and must be embraced to catapult us to greater heights in our destiny. Once we do what God says, we will see ourselves at the top of our game. A child of God is destined for the highest position in life. You are called to enjoy life in all its fullness. John 10:10 says the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come to give you life in its abundance.

An abundant life, a life full of glory, is what every known child of God is privileged to have.

Therefore, it’s high time we start being conscious of our heavenly heritage and enjoying it without fail.

For the none-believer, repent and believe in the only son of God who came to die for our sin. Turn away from your wicked ways, renew your mind with the word of faith, and live the glorious life you were prepared to enjoy before the foundation of the word. Any faithful father would prepare for a future that suits the children, if our earthly fathers’ care about us is high to the extent where they sacrifice for us many things to make sure we succeed in life, how would our father in heaven do greater things that surpass the human mind?

What an advantage to have someone die for you. It’s a time to value the sacrificial price Jesus paid for all of us.

It is said by a great man of wisdom that people don’t value something unless they lose it. That’s why we are asked in the Bible: What shall it profit if he loses his soul and gains the whole world? The world my brothers and sisters can’t be compared to the soul that will live forever more.

Repent today and commit your life to Jesus, please, where you will enjoy your heritage in Him.

Prophetic Confessions.

Lord, thank you for the privilege of heaven. I am the righteousness of God. You became my righteousness the day I accepted you as the Lord of my life in Jesus’ name.

Salvation prayer
Today, you are the Lord of my life. I believe and trust you for all eternity. I am born again in Jesus mighty name, Amen!

If you have prayed this prayer, we believe you are saved. Go to a Bible-believing church and grow in your faith.

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