
Rumbek Central kicks off vaccination

By Yang Ater Yang

Five-day vaccination program for Onchocerca Volvulus (also called Onchocerciasis) and Lymphatic Filariasis has been launched in Rumbek Center.

Rumbek County health department, in collaboration with the Christian Blind Mission organization, is carrying out the program with support from the World Health Organization (WHO).

The vaccination targets individuals who are five years old and above.

According to the County Medical Officer, George Maluac, the program was meant to be carried out in September 2023 but was postponed to December due to unforeseen circumstances.

“The campaign is targeting the vaccination of 221,468 persons with Ivermectin and Albendazole table drugs to prevent Elephantiasis, a disease that causes swelling of the legs,” he said.

Maluac explained that Albendazole is given to prevent individuals from contracting the disease, adding that Onchocerca Volvulus, also known as river blindness, has many complications that can result in impaired vision, and swelling of the muscles.

The health officer stated that the program targets individuals who weigh 15 kilograms and above or are five years old and above.

He said they use a weighing scale to ensure that only eligible candidates receive the treatment. Pregnant women, mothers who have delivered within the last seven days, and children under five years old are not eligible for the drugs.

Maluac urged the Lakes State community, especially those living in Rumbek center, to take the Ivermectin and Albendazole table drugs.

He emphasized that the drugs are used to prevent and treat Onchocerca Volvulus and other communicable diseases.

“Therefore, every eligible member of the Rumbek center should make use of this opportunity, regardless of their origin,” he added.

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