National, News

Warrap pins death penalty on revenge killing, cattle raiding

By William Madouk


As baffling as it seems, Warrap state cabinet has passed a law slapping firing-squad on culprits of cattle raid and revenge killing when proven in court.

“Anyone who is proven by the Criminal Tribunal Court to have stolen or raided cattle shall be fire-squad and the raided or stolen cattle shall be returned to the rightful owner (s),” reads a resolution of the council of ministers.

“Any person (s) who is proven by the Criminal Tribunal Court to have killed a person (s) with intention to revenge shall be fire-squad,” it added.

The state council of ministries on Friday in their first meeting this year, nodded to the Green Book 2024 – a “Conflict resolution and sustainable Bill” – meant to maintain law and orders across the state.

Architect of the famous Bill, William Deng Koor, the state Minister of local government and Law enforcement Agency, had tabled the document before the cabinet.

“Warrap State Council of Ministers’ meeting Number 1 chaired by H.E Kuol Muor Muor, Governor of Warrap State passed the Conflict resolution and sustainable development Bill (Green Book) 2024,” partly reads the statement.

The Conflict Resolution and Sustainable Bill aims at resolving Conflicts and to promote sustainable development in Warrap State.

Mr. Koor identified root causes of the conflict and insecurity in Warrap state as cattle raiding, retaliation killings, forced marriages, adultery and competition on limited resources such as water and pastures for cattle.

The Green Book Bill, which comprises of 29 articles highlighted some resolution, penalties and offence for the crimes.

For instance; Chapter Three of Green Book – indicated that the maximum bride prices should be 21 Cows, beyond that is the willing and necessary arrangement between both families.

Warrap authorities adds that ‘any civilian is proven by the Criminal Tribunal Court to have illegally possessed, owned, sold or bought a gun (s) shall be fined and jailed for 7 years.’

Also, any person (s) who is proven by the Criminal Tribunal Court to have illegally named or in the process of naming other people’s ancestral land shall be fined and jailed for 3 years and shall abide by the indigenous norms and rules.

Furthermore, any Army personnel or law enforcement officer (s) who is proven by the Criminal Tribunal Court to have taken side or negatively participated in inter-communal Conflicts shall be jailed for three years and shall be dismissed from his/her unit.

However, the 2024 Green Book Bill awaits tabling before the state parliament for their input before being assented into law by the governor.

The formulation of Warrap State Green Book to maintain law and order has come at a time when state government is facing insecurity in some parts of the State.

For example, there has been continuous fighting and revenge attacks between armed youth from Twic of Warrap and Ngok of Abyei that led to killing of hundreds for almost two years now.

Meanwhile, upbeat governor Muor endorsed the great roles played by the Cabinet for the successful resolution of Green Book.

Nevertheless, the Warrap state Green Book Bill has generated both praises and criticism among commentators on the social media.

As one, Jacob Madhieu Deng congratulated governor Muor and his cabinets adding that excessive alcohol should also be regulated.

Another social media pundit, Kuch John Madut Kuch said: “I’m feeling happy in number one if possible to implement is good for us as youth we are suffering a lot of subsequences.”

While, Angelo Nuoi Garang noted that “All in all they are right words fixed by right people at time in right place but matter of implementation.”

But, Mr. Braver Xvıı, all is not glittering as others see it, he questions Warrap state government on how theft can be equated to life.

“Resolution no. 2 is unreasonable and it should be inapplicable. That is capital punishment applicable for misdemeanor case,” he said.



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