National, News

IGP warns Wau police against malpractices

Inspector General of Police, Gen Atem Marol Biar, has urged Western Bahr el Ghazal State police to avoid malpractice or face legal consequences.

Addressing the force in Wau on Saturday, Gen Atem directed the police personnel to work as a team alongside other organized forces.

“If I am talking about discipline you traffic, CID, and Immigration thought we are sleeping, I am telling you to change your ways,” said Gen Atem.

“And if heard of any malpractices there will be a day I will all remove all traffic personnel and redeploy new faces – I will turn these police upside-down,” he added.

Elucidating the registration of aliens in the country, Gen Atem said three directorates CID, immigration and national security always collide but stressed that it is a pure role of immigration officers.

“I want to say it very clear; CID have their special work with aliens, national security only looks for suspects with serious crimes of national security threat but registration is a pure responsibility of immigration according to immigration,” noted the boss of police.

“All units here their cooperation is very narrow immigration, traffic and CID say they are alone with is true in term of their respective roles but when it’s come to administration issue in the general parade – you need to listen to commissioner’s directives because he’s the head of police, ambassador and a person doing things on my behalf,” he continued.

He urged the police to keep away from politics and stick to their constitutional mandate of protecting civilians and their properties.

Mr. Atem also called on the police to start a crackdown on niggas and criminals in Wau today.

The boss of the Police highlighted that his administration would focus on police reforms.

From his part, the governor of Western Bahr el Ghazal, Sarah Cleto Rial stressed that she received the police chief with his accompanying delegations.

“Gen. Atem Marol Biar and his team arrived in Wau Saturday evening from Warrap State. Upon arrival, during his Greater Bahr El-Ghazal region tour,” she noted.

Also, during his tour in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state, Gen Atem called for the immediate commencement of training.

He congratulated the forces in Aweil for cooperation and for making Aweil a peaceful state that was worth emulating.

“I went to Lakes State and Warrap State and I never found such kind of unity among the police, civil defense, and prison service in the other states that I have toured,” he said earlier.

Inspector General of Police, Gen Atem started his interstate tour on Wednesday last week as part of his six-month plan to measure the progress and challenges facing the police in ten states and three administrative areas.

In his 21-day plan, the IGP focused on eliminating the operations of criminal gangs such as ‘Toronto Boys’ and ‘Niggas’.

Also, in the 90-day plan, Gen Atem plans to establish police outposts along all four roads that lead to Juba city.

Meanwhile, in his six-month plan, he would focus on training the police forces, especially those who were transferred from SSPDF and deployed without proper policing training.



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